European Commission ebsi European Blockchain

Welcome to the EBSI Help Desk

Now that you are connected please find below the different topics on which we can assist you. The communication once you enter your request will be done via email as you will be updated each time your ticket reaches a new support request.

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EBSI Wallet Conformace Testing

Request to be a Node Operator

Fill the request to become a Node Operator of the EBSI network.

Node Operators

The following sections contain the different request types that you can submit as a Node Operator and the different spaces available for your activities.

  1. Onboarding where you will find the 2 mandatory steps to accomplish in order to be come a Node Operator
  2. Support where you will be able to report an issue or an incident
  3. Community where you can exchange with other Node Operators.

Request to become a validator node

Request to connect to the network

Node Operator Help Desk

Report security issues or risks & vulnerabilities

Community Space

Useful tools, services, resources, and a space for collaboration for Node Operators


See all FAQs

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