European Commission ebsi European Blockchain

EBSI Projects

Make information easy to verify and almost impossible to fake.

Making information easy to verify and almost impossible to fake, for better mobility of our citizens, better quality of our products, and better economic development of our enterprises. That’s the challenge more than 150 organisations took when experimenting with EBSI in different sectors. We welcome you to meet the ecosystem, listen to what they did, and co-create the future, together.

Check the projects

The challenge of verification.

When a person claims to own a certain credential (and when a certain physical or digital credential states some information), in theory, any relying party should be able to verify it. There are many different processes of verification such as physical checks, digital signatures, issuer callbacks, centralised public registries, or authentication via an intermediary authentication authority.

However, not all kinds of proof (or verification methods) have the same value and not all can be trusted. Society still faces many challenges, including privacy loss for users, claim unverifiability, fraud, processing inefficiencies, and high costs.

These challenges affect the verification of documents, products, and legal entities.

Experienced with fraud in the past two years, by groups of scams and fraud

One in Five Europeans Have Experienced Identity Theft Fraud | News | FOCUS ON Business - Finanso 2020  

Verification of documents

Let’s take the verification of documents (of natural persons). The verification of credentials attributed to natural persons, such as diplomas or certificates, is still a challenging task, especially across borders.

Europol states that widespread technological means allow fraudsters to design and print high-quality forged or fake physical documents (Europol 2022).

Whilst according to some estimates, 20% of Europeans experienced identity theft fraud between 2018-2020 (Finanso 2020).This has resulted in drastic increases of identity scams and fraud using stolen or sourced data to clear authentication processes for financial gains (ITRC 2023).

The issue is not just the forging of documents but the very lack of an infrastructure capable of verifying documents attributed to natural persons in the first place.

Verification of products

Similar challenges are also true for the verification of products. Product verification processes to mitigate counterfeiting are not effective at keeping up with the complexities of European cross-border economies.

According to a 2021 report by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and OECD, 5.8% of products imported into Europe are counterfeit and are therefore potentially not compliant with European health and safety regulations (European Commission 2022).

As a result, in 2022 customs authorities around the EU seized 86 million counterfeit items worth EUR 2 billion (European Commission 2023).

Products imported into Europe

Source: 2022 European Commission Report

Environmental claims

Source: 2021 European Commission Report on Greenwashing in the EU

Verification of legal entities

In the EU landscape, there are currently no digitally uniform, cross-border processes that support the verification of legal entities and their attributes. For example, not having the ability to verify that claims or actions made by legal entities reflect the true state of affairs increases the commercial incentive for those entities to engage in fraudulent behaviour to appear conformant to EU regulations.

According to a 2021 report by the European Commission investigating greenwashing in the EU, 59% of environmental claims identified by the study showed no evidence and 42% were deemed false or deceptive (European Commission 2021). The verification of legal entities, their attributes or statements made is fundamental to decreasing fraudulent behaviour by European organisations.

The challenges of third-party verifiers

Nowadays, certain digital platform providers offer high-speed verification services and reliable trust infrastructures. For example, intermediary platforms (like Google, Meta, social media platforms, IT providers, etc.) provide efficient third-party verification services. However, third-party intermediaries create dependencies and put the privacy of user data at risk.

The vision

What if we told you that fast and reliable verification services are possible without the dependencies and privacy risks of third-party platforms?
Today, with the help of Web3 technologies such as Digital Wallets, Verifiable Credentials (VC) and Blockchain, both citizens and businesses can reliably prove to anyone interested in claims about themselves or verify the provenance and authenticity of products. All without the need for third-party intermediaries.
Imagine a world where information is easy to verify, almost impossible to fake, and puts citizens back in control of their data. Such a world can become a reality with the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI).

The Projects

Today EBSI is a growing ecosystem of +350 public and private organizations from +30 countries. They are mobilised through 3 main programs:

Digital Europe Programme

Early Adopters Programme

EC-based Projects

Making information easy to verify and almost impossible to fake, for better mobility of our citizens, better quality of our products, and better economic development of our enterprises. That’s the challenge more than 150 organisations took when experimenting with EBSI in different domains.

Check out what they have done below.

Access to digital public services

Flag of Spain / Flag of European Union

Public Administrations Interoperability

Accessing citizen facilities between regional and national governments. (2023/2024)

Flag of Belgium Flag of Spain / Flag of European Union

Municipality Credentials

Student benefits using municipality credentials. (2021 / 2022)

Flag of Italy Flag of Germany / Flag of European Union

European Qualification Passport for Refugees

Refugee EQPR credentials for European University applications. (2021 / 2022)

Education and lifelong learning

Flag of Romania Flag of Spain / Flag of European Union

Educational Identification

Shaping the simplicity and reliability of cross-border student eIDs throughout Europe. (2023/2024)

Flag of Belgium Flag of Spain Flag of Italy Flag of Greece Flag of Lithuania Flag of Romania Flag of Ireland Flag of Germany Flag of France Flag of Poland Flag of Denmark Flag of Esthonia Flag of Bulgaria Flag of Portugal / Flag of European Union

University Alliances

Offer foreign university students seamless access to courses, workshops or services.

Flag of Belgium Flag of Spain Flag of Italy / Flag of European Union

Transcript of Records

Receiving a master's diploma after receiving a transcript of records from Erasmus. (2021 / 2022)

Flag of France Flag of Spain Flag of romania / Flag of European Union


Helping lifelong learners access recognised micro-credentials for their educational achievements (2023-2024)

Flag of Finland Flag of Lithuania / Flag of European Union


PhD student applications for specific courses in a foreign country. (2021/2022)

Flag of Spain Flag of Greece Flag of Switzerland / Flag of European Union

Formal Accreditation and Recognition

Facilitating the use of digital student university certificates for cross-border use. (2023/2024)

Flag of Belgium Flag of Greece Flag of France / Flag of European Union

Bachelor / Master Degree

Applying for a PhD with a bachelor/master's degree from a foreign country. (2021 / 2022)

Flag of Germany Flag of switzerland Flag of France / Flag of European Union

Vocational Education and Training

Assisting European citizens with the use of vocational education and training certifications across Europe. (2023/2024)


Flag of Netherlands Flag of Germany Flag of France / Flag of European Union

Employment credentials

Helping labour force mobility across borders by facilitating the verification process of work certificates. (2023/2024)

Flag of Cyprus Flag of Greece / Flag of European Union

Licence to Practice

Job applications with a degree from another foreign country. (2021 / 2022)

Flag of European Union

Resumé Credentials Application

Establishing a unified digital system across Europe for the storage and exchange of various educational and professional qualifications.

Flag of European Union

Certificate of Good Conduct

Helping organizations, associations, and employees deploy a seamless pre-employment screening process to create a safer work environment.


Flag of European Union

Digital Ferry Onboarding Experience

Improving all aspects of traveling experience via ferry for EU students, by simplifying by simplifying the onboarding experience.

Intellectual property

Flag of European Union

Open Rights Data Exchange

Framing data management practices in the creative industries to improve authoritative and updated information on rightsholders, terms and conditions, and licensing opportunities.

IP Rights/ Creative industries

Flag of Spain / Flag of European Union


Increasing supply chain transparency to address EU counterfeiting of products.

Flag of European Union

Open Rights Data Exchange

Framing data management practices in the creative industries to improve authoritative and updated information on rightsholders, terms and conditions, and licensing opportunities.


Flag of European Union

Random Red Ltd.

Helping European national and private actors increase the reliability of scientific measurement and calibration processes across industries and borders.

Food & beverage

Flag of European Union

TRACE4EU Seafood Tracing

Helping the EU Fishing Industry to enhance product traceability, food safety, and combat illegal fishing.


Flag of European Union

Trace4EU Battery Materials Traceability

Helping European battery manufacturers enhance the reliability of information critical to the usage of product passports.

Flag of European Union

OnePass: SME Financing

Enabling cross-border investment within Europe by creating a trust framework between startups, investors, and trusted operators of services to startups.

Flag of European Union

EBSI-VECTOR | Business Registries

Getting legal entities verified to facilitate cross-border business transactions.

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