European Commission ebsi European Blockchain

The EBSI Experience Centre is a dedicated space in the heart of the European Quarter in Brussels offering an immersive experience into the future of the Internet, the so called “Web3” revolution.

Experience the future of Web3

EBSI’s Experience is the first public Web3 lab of the EU Commission. EBSI's goal is to transform public services for the era of Web3. We help policymakers harness the technologies of Web3 to build trustworthy, decentralised and privacy-preserving public services. The EBSI Experience Centre offers interactive demonstrations of EBSI’s Verifiable Credentials Framework for policymakers, and hosts EBSI Talks, where eminent voices of the Web3 movement discuss possible futures together with members of the EBSI team.

Interactive demos

Policymakers in the EU institutions can register for an interactive, gamified demo of EBSI’s decentralised verification capabilities. You will experience Verifiable Credentials peer-to-peer exchange firsthand, including the installation of an EBSI-conformant wallet, to truly understand the transformational power of web3.

EBSI Talks

Listen to our conversations about Web3 with experts from the private and public sector in our new podcast series, EBSI Talks.

Would you like to join EBSI?

EBSI Verifiable Credentials

Discover EBSI Verifiable Credentials framework, the solution for expressing, exchanging, and verifying information within the Blockchain.

Wallet Conformance Testing

Learn about conformant wallets, find the digital wallet that best fits your needs or start the process in order to become conformant.

Early Adopters Programme

Join the programme and imagine, build and launch your EBSI pilot project.

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