You can search our records using the trader's name or website. If we have the trader's details, they will be filled out automatically in the form below.

If not, you can give us the trader's details.

We didn't find what you were looking for. We may not have a record of that particular trader. Please fill out the trader's details below.

We have to have the trader's details to proceed with your complaint.

We couldn't find the trader's details from their website. The site may be currently unavailable. Make sure you typed the address correctly or try typing the trader's name directly in the box marked 'search'.

If the search still doesn't produce any result, please give us the trader's details: we can't proceed with the complaint without them.

What is the trader's address?
Contextual help
When did you buy the good/service? *
Do you want to attach documents to your complaint? (optional)
If you want to upload a document, you can use the following file types: pdf, jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx.
Maximum file size is 10MB.
Have you already contacted the trader about your complaint? *
Have you already tried to reach an out-of-court settlement or taken the other party to court over your complaint? *
Does the trader want to use a specific dispute resolution body? *

Personal information

Please don't include personal information, that are not directly relevant for this complaint, in the two free text fields of this form.

Why do we need this information?

So all the parties involved in the process know who you are and can contact you easily.

How do we protect your personal data?

Privacy statement

Assistance services survey