This site has been archived on 18/07/2014

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Press releases

EU Corporate Social Responsibility policy: The Commission seeks stakeholders’ views on achievements and future challenges


European Commission Press release Brussels, 29 April 2014 The Commission is seeking stakeholders’ views about the impact of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Strategy over the past three years and on the role it should play in the future.


European Parliament approves new provisions for the return of national treasures


Commission Press release Brussels, 16 April 2014 European Today the European Parliament voted in favour of a new directive to help EU countries organise the return of cultural objects that were unlawfully removed from their state and are currently located in another EU country.


First images from sentinel 1a Copernicus satellite system msw8 - 10 MB [10 MB] español (es) français (fr) italiano (it)


The Sentinel 1a satellite images, from the EU's first satellite Earth observation system, Copernicus, were published today. Photographs are from radar images replenished by computer. They were taken between 12 and 13 April 2014 following the launch of the satellite sentinel 1a...

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European Commission welcomes European Parliament's approval of new rules for pressure equipment


Press release Brussels, 15 April 2014 European Commission The European Parliament today voted in favour of a Commission proposal to streamline and simplify the rules for pressure equipment products enhancing the internal market and make life for business easier at the same time.


Commission welcomes European Parliament vote for safer products and better market surveillance


European Press release Brussels, 15 April 2014 Commission The European Commission welcomes today's European Parliament vote in favour of new rules to improve the safety of consumer products circulating in the EU's internal market - including those imported from outside the EU - and to step-up market surveillance concerning all...


SMEs find it hard to obtain feedback on their loan applications


European Commission Press release Brussels, 15 April 2014 A new evaluation published today confirms that the smaller a firm, the larger the likelihood that its credit application might be declined by a financial institution.


Parlamento europeo, Made in: dalle parole ai fatti pdf - 51 KB [51 KB] italiano (it)


Oggi è stato compiuto un passo decisivo verso il Made in. Con il voto di oggi il Parlamento europeo ha confermato in prima lettura il sostegno alla mia proposta sulla Sicurezza dei prodotti e sulla sorveglianza del mercato che prevede un articolo specifico sull'indicazione d'origine obbligatoria.

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Tajani met with Tenneco's CEO Gregg Sherrill, Chief Operating Officer H.N. Nair and General Counsel J.D. Harrington pdf - 46 KB [46 KB] español (es) italiano (it)


Vice-president and Commissioner for Industry and Enterprise Antonio Tajani met in Rome Tenneco's CEO Gregg Sherrill, Chief Operating Officer H.N. Nair and General Counsel J.D. Harrington...

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Business services crucial for keeping Europe's industry fit


European Commission Press release Brussels, 9 April 2014 The importance of Business Services should be adequately reflected in the Europe 2020 Strategy according to a report which the High Level Group on Business Services delivered today.


Earth observation: Copernicus satellite lifts off successfully


European Commission Press release Brussels, 4 April 2014 Today’s successful launch marks a major milestone for EU’s Earth observation programme Copernicus. Sentinel 1A, the first satellite dedicated to the programme, was put into orbit after a successful launch at 23:02 on 3 April from Europe’s spaceport at Kourou, French Guiana.


Earth observation: Copernicus satellite ready for launch


European Commission Press release Brussels, 3 April 2014 The European Commission is looking forward to the launch of Sentinel 1A, the first satellite dedicated to Copernicus, today from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana. Lift off is scheduled for 23:02 Brussels time.


Dichiarazione del Vice Presidente Tajani in occasione del lancio di Sentinel-1A pdf - 54 KB [54 KB] italiano (it)


Questa sera alle 23.02, ora di Bruxelles, sarà messo in orbita dalla stazione spaziale di Korou, nella Guyana francese, Sentinel-1A, il primo satellite del sistema europeo di osservazione della terra, Copernicus...

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Avoiding costly space crashes: European Parliament approves space surveillance and tracking programme


European Commission Press release Brussels, 2 April 2014 The growing number of satellites and amounts of debris in the space surrounding our planet makes the risk of collision a serious threat to the sustainable operation of EU space infrastructure.


Commission welcomes Parliament vote on decreasing vehicle noise


European Press release Brussels, 2 April 2014 Commission The European Parliament today voted in favour of a Commission proposal to decrease vehicle noise. Noise limit values will ultimately be decreased by 4 dB(A) for passenger cars, vans, buses and coaches and for trucks by 3 dB(A).


Tajani en España recibe el Premio Aragón Empresa de manos del Príncipe Felipe de Borbón y la Medalla de Oro del Instituto Real de Estudios Europeos pdf - 54 KB [54 KB] español (es) italiano (it)


El vicepresidente de la Comisión Europea, responsable de Industria y Espíritu Empresarial, Antonio Tajani, recibirá hoy el Premio Aragón Empresa, 2014, de manos de Su Alteza Real
Príncipe de Asturias, Felipe de Borbón y mañana, la Medalla de Oro entregada por el Instituto Real de Estudios Europeos...

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Earth observation programmes with Africa to be intensified pdf - 170 KB [170 KB]


In the frame of the EU Africa Summit 2014, Vice President Tajani, Commissioner Piebalgs and African Commissioner Ikounga will sign today a Cooperative Arrangement to acknowledge the progress made so far in the GMES and Africa programme preparation...


Declaración del Vicepresidente Tajani en acuerdo con el Presidente Obiang pdf - 49 KB [49 KB] español (es)


He tenido una reunión bilateral en mi despacho con el Presidente de Guinea Ecuatorial, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo...

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Dichiarazione del Vice Presidente Tajani dopo l'incontro con il Presidente della Guinea Equatoriale che si è impegnato a liberare l'imprenditore italiano Roberto Berardi pdf - 51 KB [51 KB]


Oggi ho incontrato il Presidente della Guinea Equatoriale Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo a margine della sua visita a Bruxelles per il vertice dei capi di Stato Ue-Africa...


Last update: 22/07/2014 |  Top