This site has been archived on 18/07/2014

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Press releases

European Satellite Navigation Galileo services will start at the end of 2014


Commission Press release Brussels, 28 January 2014 European Galileo, the EU satellite navigation programme (the European "GPS") and Copernicus, the EU Earth monitoring programme, are in decisive phases this year. With the launch of six additional Galileo satellites, Europeans will soon be able to enjoy their own satellite navigation system.


Majority of Europeans think space sector is a source of growth and contributor to scientific progress


European Commission Press release Brussels, 28 January 2014 Almost six out of ten Europeans think that space activities contribute to job creation in the EU, that investing in human space exploration can lead to medical progress or that space technologies have a role to play in avoiding threats such as...


Il Vice Presidente Tajani promuove la lotta alla contraffazione insieme al Presidente del Senato Grasso pdf - 82 KB [82 KB]


Lunedì, il Vice Presidente della Commissione Europea, responsabile per l'Industria e l'Imprenditoria, Antonio Tajani, sarà a Roma per partecipare a un evento sulla contraffazione, organizzato dalla Commissione europea, dalla Guardia di Finanza, e dal Senato della Repubblica.


2014 European Enterprise Promotion Awards launch


European Commission Press release Brussels, 27 January 2014 2014 2014 Today the European Commission launched the 2014 edition of the European Enterprise Promotion Awards, a competition to reward the most imaginative and successful initiatives from EU public bodies and public-private partnerships which support entrepreneurship, and small and medium sized enterprises...


Tajani in Toscana per promuovere il "Rinascimento industriale" pdf


A due giorni dalla presentazione della Comunicazione "per un Rinascimento Industriale europeo" il Vice Presidente della Commissione europea, Responsabile per l'Industria e l'Imprenditoria, Antonio Tajani, sarà in Toscana per promuovere la strategia europea per invertire il declino industriale...


Commission calls for immediate action for a European Industrial Renaissance


European Press release Brussels, 22 January 2014 Commission The European Commission is urging Member States to recognise the central importance of industry for creating jobs and growth and to mainstream industry-related competitiveness concerns across all policy areas.


Major European event to shape the future for social businesses


European Commission Press release Brussels, 15 January 2014 The social economy is an important pillar of the European economy, representing some 10% of GDP. More than 11 million workers or 4.5% of the active EU population are employed in the social economy.


Last update: 22/07/2014 |  Top