This site has been archived on 18/07/2014

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Press releases

High Level Forum to take on challenges of food sector
High Level Forum to take on challenges of food sector


IP/10/1016 Brussels, 30 July 2010 The European Commission has decided today to extend the mandate of the High Level Group on the Competitiveness of the Agro-Food Industry, upgrading it to a High Level Forum to improve the functioning of the food supply ...


New Regulation proposed on tractors to strengthen safety and to cut red tape
New Regulation proposed on tractors to strengthen safety and to cut red tape


IP/10/1001 Brussels, 23 July 2010 The European Commission has proposed to simplify EU law on agricultural and forestry vehicles (tractors, trailers and towed equipment): 50 Directives and the related implementing legislation of 27 Member States would ...


Enabling our future: experts to advise Commission on upcoming technologies
Enabling our future: experts to advise Commission on upcoming technologies


IP/10/934 Brussels. Hardly anybody would have forecast 10 years ago that the business world would look as it does today. We use no typewriters any more and most information is available and exchanged electronically....


Internationally active SMEs yield better results
Internationally active SMEs yield better results


IP/10/895 Brussels. 25% of EU 27 small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) export or have exported at some point during the last 3 years. This is revealed in a new European Commission study available on line. Internationally active SMEs report an employment growth of 7% whereas the figure stood at 1% for those  without any international activities...


Last update: 22/07/2014 |  Top