This site has been archived on 18/07/2014

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Climate solutions are all around


European Commission Press release Brussels, 20 December 2013 Imagine the possibility to heat public spaces using clean energy sourced from the movement of people passing by. And imagine household lifts operating on solar power, food produced with minimal water or energy resources and technology allowing you to check the environmental...


Switzerland joins the EU's Galileo satellite navigation programme


European Commission Press release Brussels, 18 December 2013 Today Switzerland signed a cooperation agreement to participate in the Galileo and EGNOS programmes – the pillars of the EU's Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).


European SMEs getting greener, contributing to a resource-efficient economy


Commission Press release Brussels, 17 December 2013 European Compared to last year, European SMEs are becoming more resource efficient and are contributing substantially to the transition towards a low-carbon economy, according to the results of the 2013 Eurobarometer survey on "SMEs, resource efficiency and green markets" published today.


Audizione alle Commissioni Attività produttive, commercio e turismo & Politiche dell’UE della Camera dei Deputati sul Piano d'azione per una siderurgia europea competitiva e sostenibile pdf - 81 KB [81 KB]


Oggi pomeriggio, il Vicepresidente della Commissione europea, responsabile per l'Industria e l'Imprenditoria, Antonio Tajani, ha partecipato ad un'audizione dinanzi alle Commissioni Attività produttive, Commercio e Turismo & Politiche dell’UE della Camera dei Deputati sul Piano d'azione per una siderurgia europea competitiva e sostenibile. Questa audizione segue la precedente relazione sullo stato della siderurgia in Europa che Tajani ha tenuto lo scorso 29 ottobre in Senato.


Raw materials sector: university day illustrates new work opportunities pdf - 73 KB [73 KB] italiano (it)


The European Commission launched today in Sapienza University of Rome the first of a series of "Raw Materials University Days", to educate students about the potential for interesting careers in the raw materials sector and encourage them to take up studies in the relevant branches of science and engineering. Raw materials are very important for our modern society...

Moreitaliano (it)

Tajani meets the Minister for Tourism of Malta, Hon Karmellu Vella pdf - 44 KB [44 KB] italiano (it)


Vice-president and Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry Antonio Tajani met today in Brussels Hon Karmellu Vella, Minister for Tourism in Malta...

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Cutting red tape for SMEs: Tajani participates in meeting of Stoiber group pdf - 55 KB [55 KB] italiano (it)


The economic outlook for the EU SMEs shows positive signs with a combined increase in aggregated employment and value-added of EU’s SMEs. The Commission is taking action to ensure that its policies and programmes sustain this positive trend...

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Tajani examina la aplicación de la Directiva europea contra la morosidad en España pdf - 55 KB [55 KB]


El Vicepresidente y Comisario de Industria y Emprendimiento Antonio Tajani ha recibido hoy en Bruselas a Joaquim Gay de Montellá y Jesús Terciado, para examinar el respeto en España de la Directiva europea contra la morosidad.


Tajani in London to present an action plan for the fashion and high-end industries and to deliver a lecture at the London School of Economics pdf - 89 KB [89 KB] italiano (it)


Tomorrow, the Vice President of the European Commission responsible for Industry and Entrepreneurship, Antonio Tajani, will be in London for a lunch with representatives of the fashion and high-end industries. In the afternoon he will hold a master class at the London School of Economics.

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Last update: 22/07/2014 |  Top