This site has been archived on 18/07/2014

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Press releases

Free movements of goods: Commission requests Italy and Romania to implement EU rules on intra-EU transfers of defence products


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 31 May 2012. The European Commission has today decided to request Italy and Romania to transpose EU rules on defence products (Directive 2009/43/EC) into national law, which these Member States should have ...


Public consultation: Keeping our industry as a driver of sustainable growth and jobs


European Commission - Press release Brussels 29 May 2012. Europe needs new ideas to boost its growth potential. Industrial innovation is one of the key drivers to improve our competitiveness. This is why the Commission is launching today a new public ...


Galileo September launch will spur innovation
Galileo September launch will spur innovation


European Commission - Press release Brussels, 2 May 2012 – Galileo's second launch of 2 satellites is confirmed for 28th September 2012. The resulting 4-satellite mini-constellation will enable testing of the functioning of the vast Galileo infrastructure. ...


Last update: 22/07/2014 |  Top