This site has been archived on 18/07/2014

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Strong tourism season gives Europe an economic boost and much needed jobs


European Commission Press release Brussels, 27 September 2013 Despite the economic crisis, Europe remains one of the favourite destinations. International tourist arrivals in Europe grew by 5 % during the first half of 2013, with best results recorded in Central and Eastern Europe (+ 9 %) and Southern and Mediterranean...


EU master plan for raw materials: innovation is the key


European Commission Press release Brussels, 26 September 2013 Raw materials are the lifeblood of EU industry. At least 30 million jobs in the EU depend upon access to them. But we face increasing demand for unprocessed minerals and metals and, in parallel, strong challenges to the supply of certain raw...


Without a strong industrial base, Europe's economy cannot prosper


European Commission Press release Brussels, 25 September 2013 While industrial performance has stabilised, industry’s share in Europe’s GDP has declined from 15.5% of GDP one year ago to 15.1% in summer 2013. The two industrial Competitiveness reports published today by the European Commission highlight that Member States have made progress...


Commission launches new innovation indicator


European Press release Brussels, 13 September 2013 Commission Sweden, Germany, Ireland and Luxembourg are the EU Member States getting the most out of innovation, according to a new indicator proposed by the European Commission.


Last update: 22/07/2014 |  Top