This site has been archived on 01/11/2014

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Industry and Entrepreneurship

Too good to be true?

The real price of fake products

Financially, EU citizens have a lot to lose from fakes. It is also an ethical issue. A major beneficiary of this illegal business is organised crime. World-wide, organised crime is heavily involved in distributing fake goods: for them it’s a real growth opportunity.

These goods can pose serious risks to safety and health. Why would crooks care about your safety? Citizens lose as consumers. What looks like a bargain often turns out to be a waste of money, as fake products are essentially not made to the same quality standards.

We all lose as taxpayers. Illegal operators and traders don’t pay taxes, so you pay more to make up for the loss. Dealers in imitations harm the European economy as they damage legitimate business and starve innovation.

Fake goods compete unfairly with genuine industrial products, putting many jobs at risk in Europe. Against this menace, there is only one thing to do.

Say no to fake goods! Go for the original!

Watch the "Stop fakes" video in English - French - German - Italian - Spanish

Access the "Stop fakes" brochure pdf - 2 MB [2 MB] - please click the [...] icon to read it in other languages.

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Last update: 11/02/2015 |  Top