This site has been archived on 01/11/2014

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Industry and Entrepreneurship


  • 2014-09-18: Conference "Copernicus for environment and human security: from research to operations" organised by Italian Space Agency Headquarters

    Watch the video and read the speech PDF italiano (it) [230 KB]

  • 2014-09-18: Interview - RAI NEWS 24

    Commissioner Nelli Feroci, responsible for industry and space, participated to the Conference Copernicus for environment and human security in Rome on 18th September. In this Occasion Rai News 24 published a service with an interview italiano (it) to the Commissioner.

  • 2014-09-15: Reinforcing the competitiveness of our businesses

    Reinforcing the competitiveness of our businesses has acquired vital significance in the crucial ongoing debate on boosting economic growth and employment in Europe. Without a strong industrial base, it is difficult to relaunch growth and get to grips with our high unemployment. (Also available in DE, ES, FR and IT PDF)

  • 2014-09-11: Industrial competitiveness: Commission reports underline need for incisive action by EU and Member States

    European Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship Ferdinando Nelli Feroci, commented: "I appreciate the efforts made by Member States to improve their industrial competitiveness. However, a lot still needs to be done. Tackling lack of investment, limited access to finance, high energy prices and inefficient public administration will put our companies and SMEs in a stronger position to compete in the global market place."

    Competitiveness Reports Press Briefing (text PDF and video)

  • 2014-09-09: EU Defence Ministers Meeting

    EU Defence Ministers met on 09/09/14 in Milan to have an informal exchange of views on key issues and to prepare for the formal Foreign Affairs Council on 18/9/14. At the meeting Commissioner Nelli Feroci provided an update on the implementation of the July 2013 Communication on ways to improve the competitiveness of the European defence sector. He commented: "The EU is facing huge security challenges. Member States are facing tough and difficult decisions in the short term and need to also find resources for their national and collective security needs.  The Commission aims to ensure that the EU has a defence industry which is 'fit for purpose' to deliver the military capability we need long into the future"

  • 2014-09-05: Interview in Radio Radicale

    The Commissioner Nelli Feroci participates in an interview in Radio Radicale addressing issues such as the recent package of measures adopted by the European Central Bank, the problem of the late payments and the infringement procedure against Italy, the anomalies found in the in orbit injection of the two Galileo satellites and the future challenges of the European industrial policy.


  • 2014-09-03: Article in Corriere della Sera

    Article of Commissioner Ferdinando Nelli Feroci on the EU industrial policy published in Corriere della Sera on 3 September. This editorial has been published in reply to the article written by Alessandro Pansa, former CEO of Finmeccanica, and printed in the same newspaper on 29 August.

  • 2014-09-02: Guest at Radio Anch'io

    Commissioner Nelli Feroci participated today at the broadcast Radio Anch'io, in live from the European Commission radio studio. He addressed several key issues such as the appointment of Federica Mogherini as the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the demand for greater flexibility in the EU's financial rules, the crisis in Ukraine.

    Listen to the recording

  • 2014-08-25: Guest at Radio 1 RAI – Prima di Tutto

    Commissioner Nelli Feroci, guest at the broadcast RADIO 1 Rai, Prima di Tutto, replies to questions related to the anomalies of the Galileo's satellites in orbit injection during the launch of 22nd August.

    Listen Italiano

  • 2014-08-22: Launch of two new Galileo satellites

    The Galileo satellite launch from Europe’s spaceport in French Guiana is scheduled to take place at 14:27 CEST (12:27 UTC) today 22 August 2014. You can watch the launch.

    "The launch of these two satellites gives new impetus to the Galileo programme, a truly European project which has built on EU countries' resources to maximise the benefits for EU citizens", said European Commissioner for Industry Ferdinando Nelli Feroci. "Galileo operates at a technological frontier and provides applications with huge economic potential, supporting the EU objectives of growth and competitiveness. We are particularly glad to also announce that from 2015 onwards the EU will be able to use a European built "Ariane 5" launch system, thanks to a new contract worth €500 million for the EU's space industry.”

  • 2014-08-05: AST/Terni: Nelli Feroci welcomes withdrawal of mobility plan

    On 2 August 2014, the Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, Ferdinando Nelli Feroci met with unions and confederations to discuss issues faced by the Terni special steels group (AST) at a meeting organised by two Vice-Presidents of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani and David Sassoli.

    "I am happy to see that the mobility plan for the Ast steel site in Terni has been withdrawn so that we can discuss possible solutions for a future of the plant at a roundtable with the government as from 4 September" said European Commissioner for Industry Ferdinando Nelli Feroci at a meeting in the European Parliament office in Rome on Saturday, 2nd of August. "With regard to the European Commission" - added Nelli Feroci – "I will ask Commission Vice-President Almunia to analyse whether the plan announced by Thyssen is fully compatible with the commitments made at the time when it took over the plant in Terni. This is the most important issue."

  • 2014-07-26: Guest at Radio 1 RAI – Manuale d'Europa

    Commissioner Ferdinando Nelli Feroci was a guest on Radio 1, RAI, "Manuale d'Europa". He talked about the Industrial compact, the COSME programme, which provides better access to finance to small and medium sized enterprises, and about his new experience as a European Commissioner.

    Listen Italiano 

  • 2014-07-26: Guest on "l'Altra Europa" (Radio 24)

    Ferdinando Nelli Feroci, the European Commissioner responsible for Industry, was a guest on "l'Altra Europa". He talked about the priorities of his mandate: boosting the economy and creating a better business environment in Europe.

    Listen Italiano

  • 2014-07-24: Signature of Cosme agreement

    The signing ceremony of the agreement was hosted by the newly-appointed Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, Ferdinando Nelli Feroci. Thanks to the € 1,3 bn allocated in the COSME budget for SME financing, it will be possible to mobilise up to € 25 bn via leverage effects from financial intermediaries over the next seven years. Read more. Watch the pics and video.

  • 2014-07-23: Ferdinando Nelli Feroci at his first College of Commissioners meeting

    Handshake between José Manuel Barroso and Ferdinando Nelli Feroci during the weekly meeting of the Barroso II Commission on 23 July 2014

  • 2014-07-16: Ferdinando Nelli Feroci Hearing

    Mr Nelli Feroci has been nominated Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship. You can watch his hearing at the European Parliament in Strasbourg and read his speech.

Last update: 11/02/2015 |  Top