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Actualités, événements

Launch of the Europe for citizens Dissemination platform


Information about selected projects

Ex post evaluation Europe for Citizens 2007-2013


The final report is now available online

Nomination of the Irish National Contact Point for the Europe for Citizens Programme


The NGO "The Wheel" has been appointed as National Contact Point for the Europe for Citizens programme

Spotlight on on Europe for citizens' projects: AGE - AMNESIA GULAG IN EUROPE


AGE originates from the need to fill the memory lapse which for decades, in Italy and in Europe, has characterized the history of the persecutions and exterminations committed in the Soviet Gulag camps.


History Holds Lessons for the Future: The EHRI online portal

The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) is the largest ever EU-funded research initiative on the Holocaust. Funded with an EU contribution of almost €7 million by the EU Seventh Framework Programme for Research, EHRI began in October 2010.

Volunteering : EUCIS-LLL: Participate in the GR-EAT survey


Help EUCIS-LLL to better support Young volunteers

European Citizens' Iniative report, just adopted


Three years after the European Citizens' Iniative (ECI) entered into force, the Commission takes stock of past and present challenges, and future trends. 

Conference Prague Shared and divided 15 April 2015


Multicultural Centre Prague invites you to participate in the conference : Intercultural Memory in the Public Space

Holocaust Remembrance Day - 27 January 2015 - Brussels


"They stole a part of my childhood and most of my adolescence" (Elie Buzyn)

European Parliament launches a new web portal for petitions


The European Parliament has launched a new portal to make it easier for citizens to submit and sign petitions online and follow their progress.

FRA - Making rights real - A guide for local and regional authorities


The booklet aims to provide local and regional officials with a framework for understanding more about fundamental rights and applying them when making decisions and completing their regular tasks and activities.

Working time directive: have your say


The European Commission has launched an online public consultation on the review of the Working Time Directive.

The Europe for citizens Work Programme 2015 has been adopted on Monday 8 December 2014


The Commission has adopted the Work Programme for the implementation of the Europe for Citizens' programme 2014-2020 in 2015

Youth guarantee



The Republic of Serbia and Montenegro are now full participants in the Europe for Citizens programme (2014-2020),


Serbian and Montenegrin civil society organisations, towns, municipalities and local authorities can now participate fully in the Europe for Citizens programme alongside organisations from the 28 EU Member States on an equal footing.

EAVI initiative - Young Citizens and Europe


Watch videos by European Association for Viewers Interests

Your first EURES job: EC publishes evaluation report


The European Commission has published on 24 September a report evaluating Your first EURES job, a mobility scheme to help young Europeans between 18 and 30 to find a job, traineeship or apprenticeship in other EU countries implemented by the Commission between 2011 and 2013.

2012 European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between generations (EY2012) – Evaluation report


The European Commission has adopted a report today on the implementation, results and overall assessment of the 2012 European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations.

Volonteurope -Active Citizens of Europe (ACE) Awards 2014


Active Citizens of Europe (ACE) Awards 2014 - 13 November 2014 - Malta

European association for viewers interests


EAVI develops and implements projects that reflect the association's goals and objectives as well as its international dimension.

European Civic Days 2014


Civil Society joining forces for Equality, Solidarity and Democracy for Europe

Have your say on the safety of tourism accommodation services: launch of a public consultation


With more and more consumers choosing to spend their holidays outside their country of residence, they should feel safe in any tourism accommodation venue across the EU.

European Memories on the Pyrenees border


International​​ MEFROP Seminar in Perpignan, October 9th, 10th and 11th 2014

FONDACA – Active Citizenship Foundation


FONDACA – Active Citizenship Foundation – is a European think tank established in 2001.

Viviane Reding moves on to the European Parliament


Viviane Reding is taking up her seat in the European Parliament, following her victory in the European elections in May 2014.

Voices for Innovation


The VOICES consultation process gathered opinions and ideas about urban waste from citizens across the EU.

EAEA Grundtvig Award of 2014 - Remembering World War I for the Future - Adult Education promoting Peace and Cohesion in Europe


Are you an adult education organisation working with World War I remebrance? Is your project promoting peace and conflict resolution? Apply for the EAEA Grundtvig Award 2014!



Are you interested in active European citizenship and European commemoration? Take part in ALDA’s summer school on Europe, participation and remembrance, from Monday 1st to Saturday 6th September 2014, in Asiago (Vicenza), Italy.

Citizens’ participation at the local level in Europe and Neighbouring Countries


"Citizens’ participation at the local level in Europe and Neighbouring Countries" is the title of the new publication of ALDA, edited by Antonella Valmorbida, Secretary General of ALDA, and published by Peter Lang.

The "Europe for Citizens" funding programme for the period 2014-2020 is officially adopted!


On 14 April 2014, the Council of the European Union has unanimously adopted the Regulation setting up the 'Europe for Citizens' programme for the period 2014-2020.

Europe for Citizens Forum


On 28 January, the European Citizens' Forum 2014 took place to take stock of the Europe for Citizen's Programme 2007-2013 and to reflect on the new Europe for Citizens Programme.

Holocaust Remembrance Day


For the third time, the Commission marked Holocaust Remembrance Day on 27 January.

Structural and investment funds: Commission boosts partners' role in planning and spending


A common set of standards to improve consultation, participation and dialogue with partners such as regional, local, urban and other public authorities, trade unions, employers, non-governmental organisations and bodies responsible for promoting social inclusion, gender equality and non-discrimination during the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of projects financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) has been adopted today by the European Commission.

Take part to a survey on a European House for Civil Society


As part of a study on the possible establishment of a European House for Civil Society, the Commission is launching a survey in order to explore what citizens and civil society think of current initiatives and what they want in relation to participating in EU affairs.

Programme «L'Europe pour les citoyens» (2014-2020)


L'appel à propositions pour le soutien structurel aux organismes de recherche sur les politiques publiques européennes (groupes de réflexion) et aux organisations de la société civile au niveau européen est publié - COMM-C2/01-2013

2014 Work Programme adopted


"Europe for Citizens" :  2014 Work Programme adopted – 31/10/2013. Advance notice : Call for proposals for Operating grants 2014-2017.

Conference on the Europe for Citizens program in Hungary


Mid October, the Tempus Public Foundation (Tempus Közalapítvány) has organised a conference in Budapest to present the best Europe for Citizens project from the last two years. About 140 participants were welcomed at the conference, an official event of the European Year of Citizens in Hungary.

FRA Opinion on the Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia


The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has presented an opinion on the Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia – with special attention to the rights of victims of crime.



The Executive Agency EACEA has put on-line the PROJECTS COMPENDIA 2013.

Enacting European Citizenship - new research from the Open University


The Open University in the UK has been leading an FP7-funded research project into Enacting European Citizenship.

Final report on the impact of the EfC programme


This study on the Europe for Citizens Programme has been published.

Reflecting remembrance - Newsletter on the event held in Erfurt on 7,8 & 9 April 2013


3rd networking meeting of organisations active in the field of remembrance supported by Remembrance action of the Europe for Citizens programme will take place from 7th to 9th April in Erfurt, Germany.

Call for Best EU Projects @ EPA Awards 2013


European Projects Association has launched the second edition of “European Projects Awards 2013” in the framework of the campaign “What Are You Doing ..For a Better Society ?”  that we realised in partnership with European Economic and Social Committee in 2012.

‘As European as we get’, with Civil Society Day 2013 in Brussels


On 6th March, civil society representatives from across the European Union came together in Brussels to celebrate European citizenship as part of Civil Society Day 2013: ‘As European as we get! Bringing economy, solidarity and democracy together’.

Survey on the programme results 2011/2012


Last year survey of the Europe for Citizens programme results was initiated. A consortium of Public Policy and Management Institute from Lithuania and Euréval from France was commissioned to carry out the task.

Selection results - Operating grants for 2013 – call EACEA 28/2012


The EACEA has published the results of the selection for transitional and annual operating grants in 2013, further to call EACEA 28/2012.

Strengthening EU Citizenship: Promotion of EU Citizens' Electoral Rights


At its Plenary Session of 31 January and 1 February 2013, the Committee of the Regions adopted an opinion on "Strengthening EU Citizenship: Promotion of EU Citizens' Electoral Rights". The rapporteur for this opinion was Mr György Gémesi (HU/EPP), Mayor of Gödöllő.

Commemoration of Holocaust Remembrance Day in the European Commission, Berlaymont 28 January 2013


The audience of more than 150 consisting of many nationalities and generations, including the youth from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance project "Train 1000", gathered in Commission headquarters - Berlaymont for a commemoration event hosted by the Vice President of the European Commission Viviane Reding.

European Policy Centre competition - ‘The European Parliament: Why should I care?’


Have you ever dreamt of MAKING A DIFFERENCE in the European integration project? NOW is your chance. Are you IN? Join our competition: The European Parliament – ‘why should I care’?

Study on the Impact of the Crisis on Civil Society Organizations in the EU – Risks and Opportunities


The EESC has published a study addressing questions concerning the state of the Civil Society and how Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have been affected by the crisis.
