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Actualités / Evénements

Adoption of the 2018 work programme and the financing for the implementation of the Europe for Citizens programme


On 3 August 2017, the European Commission adopted, after consulting the Europe for Citizens committee, the work programme for 2018 and the financing for the implementation of the Europe for Citizens programme. With a budget of 24.5 million EUR for the year 2018, the Europe for Citizens programme aims at increasing citizens' awareness and understanding of the European Union, its history and diversity while fostering European citizenship and improving conditions for civic and democratic participation at Union level.

In this work programme, the priorities of the programme have been designed to stimulate debates on dates of European significance and topics having a strong importance also in present times (for the European remembrance strand) or anchored in the social, economic and political reality of the European Union (for the Democratic engagement and civic participation strand). In addition, organisations and projects receiving funding under the Europe for Citizens programme are encouraged to make use of the European Solidarity Corps.

Based on this work programme, the Europe for Citizens programme will launch in 2017 a call for proposal to support European civil society organisations and think-tanks through operating grants for the period 2018-2020.