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Actualités / Evénements

Spotlight on Europe for citizens' projects: AGE - AMNESIA GULAG IN EUROPE


AGE originates from the need to fill the memory lapse which for decades, in Italy and in Europe, has characterized the history of the persecutions and exterminations committed in the Soviet Gulag camps.  


The Dead Road

©Tomasz Kizny

This is the aim of all the different educational and scientific activities which, starting from December 2013 and continuing for the following 18 months, have been carried out along with the exhibition “Gulag” by photographer Tomas Kizny in the cities of Macerata, Ascoli Piceno, Bolzano and Vilnius.

The European dimension of the project is the result of its spreading among three different countries: Italy, Lithuania and Great Britain. Italy is the country which has hosted the photographic exhibition in different locations. Lithuania has intervened with its experts as part of the events organized around the exhibition. The final day of evaluation and debate on the project was held in Vilnius.


Main results:

Exposition «Gulag» of Photographer Tomasz Kizny in 3 cities

3 conferences + 3 seminars in Macerata, Ascoli Piceno and Bolzano

28 education courses in schools + 30 guided visits to the exhibition «Gulag»

Movie “Youth and memory” widespread as DVD + in YouTube Unimc Channel

1 idea contest + free downloadable App in English and Italian

Free downloadable English + Italian e-book «Remembering the Gulag. Images and imagination.»

International conference in Vilnius



The 4 events reached 2.356 people, 331% of expected participants, most of which are less than 30 year-old ones.

The e-book has been downloaded by more than 500 people

The movie has been seen by more than 300 people




More information on events, dissemination, assessment, partnership and timeline is available on:

English website:

Italian website:





Leading organisation: University of Macerata, Departmentof Poltiical Science, Communication and International relations

Contact person:

Natascia Mattucci, Scientific coordinator,

Fiorella de Ciocchis, project manager,


More information on the strand 1 "European Remembrance" of the “Europe for Citizens” programme is available on the dedicated page of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency