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Actualités / Evénements

Call for Best EU Projects @ EPA Awards 2013


European Projects Association has launched the second edition of “European Projects Awards 2013” in the framework of the campaign “What Are You Doing ..For a Better Society ?”  that we realised in partnership with European Economic and Social Committee in 2012.

European Projects Association has launched the second edition of “European Projects Awards 2013” in the framework of the campaign “What Are You Doing ..For a Better Society ?”  that we realised in partnership with European Economic and Social Committee in 2012.
The aim of European Projects Awards 2013 is to reward project ideas, ongoing projects, finished projects submitted for EU funding by professionals and young researchers in the following two categories:
1. Environment, Consumers and Health
2. Research, Innovation and Technology
The Awarding Ceremony will take place on 6th June 2013 during World Research and Innovation Congress (Steigenberger Grand Hotel, Brussels) organised by Research Media.
We invite you to participate with your project ideas, ongoing or finished projects to enhance visibility for your organisation. By participating in the European Projects Awards 2013 you also increase your chances in establishing strong and beneficial partnerships with experts all over Europe.
The competition for the European Projects Awards takes place on My Europa platform ( that is a growing community of all those who are interested in EU projects and counts more than 2800 members and over 200 showcased projects.
How to participate?
• Register on My Europa platform (
• Submit the details about your projects in the Projects Showroom section of My Europa
• The deadline for the registration of your projects for the European Projects Awards 2013 is Sunday 19th May 2013 at 01:00 pm

Selection procedure and prizes
All My Europa members will be able to vote for projects they like through a "Like-system". The three projects that get more "Likes" in either of the three macro-categories (ideas, ongoing, and concluded) within the two indicated categories "Environment, Consumers, and Health" and "Research, Innovation, and Technology" will pass the first selection process. These will be presented before a jury of experts, that will decide the three winners: (I) best project idea; (II) best finished project ; (III) best ongoing project. The winners will receive different prizes as well as the Official EPA Award. These projects will be further disseminated as best practices also during EPA Side Events.
EPA Side Events
European Projects Association, in collaboration with European Academy for Education and Social Research, is organising two side events dedicated  to the EU Funds know-how:
• Projects Development and Networking for EU Projects (6-7-8 June 2013, Brussels)
• Financial Management and Dissemination of EU Funded Projects (10-11-12 June 2013, Brussels)
For more information on the EPA Side Events, please contact Alessandro Viola (a.viola Education Coordinator of European Projects Association or send an email to for event registration.
For additional information on Awards do not hesitate to contact me or to check the European Projects Awards 2013 web page: .
I look forward to seeing you in Brussels!
Katarina Sipic
Communication Officer
+32 495874966
European Projects Association asbl
Square Marie-Louise 2
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
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