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Actualités / Evénements

The Europe for citizens Work Programme 2015 has been adopted on Monday 8 December 2014


The Commission has adopted the Work Programme for the implementation of the Europe for Citizens' programme 2014-2020 in 2015


Commission implementing decision of 8.12.2014 pdf(48 kB)on the adoption of the 2015 work programme and the financing for the implementation of the Europe for Citizens programme

ANNEXpdf(105 kB) to the Commission implementing decision on the adoption of the 2015 work programme and the financing for the implementation of the Europe for Citizens programme

The Annual Priorities of the programme for 2015 are:

Strand 1: European remembrance

In the context of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, priority will be given to projects that focus on :

- World War II and the associated rise of intolerance that enabled crimes against humanity ;

- The consequences of World War II for the post-war architecture of Europe : its division and the Cold war on the one hand, and the beginning of the European integration process following the Schuman Declaration in 1950 on the other hand.

Strand 2: Democratic engagement and civic participation

Debating on the future of Europe : In the current debate on the European Union in times of the economic crisis and following the European elections of May 2014, there is a need to deepen further the discussion on the future of Europe on what kind of Europe citizens want, also stimulating new forms of civic participation whilst reinforcing those existing. This debate should be based on lessons learned from history and consider in particular the concrete achievements of the European Union. Such debate should not be limited to citizens already supporting the idea of the European Union, but reach out to citizens who have not been involved so far, or who reject the Union outright or put in question its achievements.