Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Together for inclusive education and work opportunities (Easy-to-read version) 

People with disabilities
should have access to education.
That means they should be able to go to school,
study and take part in trainings to learn new skills.

This will also help them
to get a good job later in their lives
and be part of the community.

However, many people with disabilities in Europe
do not have the chance to study or work
like other people.
Among others, that may be because:

  • Buildings like schools and offices are not adjusted to the needs of people with disabilities.
  • Other people may not want to work with people with disabilities.

This is unfair.

The European Commission
wants to make sure
that people with disabilities
can enjoy their right to study and work
like all other people.

The European Commission made
a plan of work for the coming years.
The plan is called ‘Strategy for the rights
of persons with disabilities 2021-2030’.
In short, we call it ‘European Disability Strategy’.

One of the aims
of the European Disability Strategy
is to promote the right of people with disabilities
to study and work.
In the coming years,
the European Commission will work to:

  • Make sure that people with disabilities
    have the same chances to study
    and learn new skills as all other people.
  • Offer trainings to teachers
    about the needs of students with disabilities.
  • Make sure that children with disabilities
    get the right support to be able
    to go to school with other children.
  • Make sure that people with disabilities
    are not denied the right to work
    because they have a disability.
  • Make sure that offices are adjusted
    to the needs of people with disabilities
    so they can work there too.
  • Help young people with disabilities
    to get a job.

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