Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Switzerland - Optional insurance for daily allowances

This chapter covers the cash benefits paid when you are unable to work due to sickness and an optional insurance has been taken out.

Benefit covered in this chapter:

  • daily allowances in case of work incapacity due to sickness

In what situation can I claim?

If you are between 15 and 65 years of age, and you are living or engaged in paid employment in Switzerland, you can take out insurance which will partly cover your loss of earnings when you are unable to work due to sickness.

This insurance is optional. Incapacity to work following sickness is actually not subject to any compulsory social insurance, contrary to incapacity to work due to accident (see the chapter on Accident insurance) or maternity (see the chapter on Maternity allowance/Paternity allowance/Adoption allowance). The private insurers also offer insurance products covering the loss of income in case of sickness; these products are not discussed in this chapter.

If you are employed, many employers take out insurance for daily allowances in case of sickness for their employees. This is usually a private insurance. Refer to your employment contract to find out which provisions apply to your company.

A social insurer is required to insure you, upon your request. If you are suffering from a disease at the time of your application, or you risk a relapse, the insurer must still insure you. It may however impose a “reservation” regarding the disease concerned. This restriction will be lifted after a maximum period of 5 years.

What conditions do I need to meet?

You (or your employer) need to have taken out optional insurance and have working capacity reduced by at least 50% due to sickness (certified by a doctor).

You need to send the application for daily allowances to your insurer, or your employer if it has concluded the contract.

Note that this insurance may also cover, but on a subsidiary basis only, incapacity to work following an accident or maternity (see the Accident insurance and Maternity allowance/Paternity allowance/Adoption allowance chapters).

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Daily allowance in case of incapacity to work due to sickness

The insurer agrees with you or your employer on the amount of daily allowance:

Payment made by the majority of insurers:

80% of your salary.

Waiting period and duration of payment:

Waiting period of 3 days. In general, allowances are paid for at least 720 days over a period of 900 days.

Know your rights

The following links provide additional information about your rights. They are not European Commission sites and do not represent the view of the Commission:

European Commission publications:

Who do you need to contact?

Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH)

3003 Berne

Tel. +41 313222111



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