Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Sweden - Resident in Sweden

This chapter explains what is required for you to receive benefits in Sweden. It also describes the types of benefit you can get, depending on whether you are domiciled in Sweden, i.e. living or working in Sweden.

Living and working in Sweden

If you live or work in Sweden, you are usually covered by Swedish social insurance. This means you may also be able to claim various benefits. What kinds of benefit you can get depends on whether you live or work in Sweden, as some benefits are based on residency while others require you to be working in the country.

It is the Swedish Social Insurance Agency that determines whether or not you are insured in Sweden.

Residence-based benefits

To be counted as a resident you should have your main domicile in Sweden. This means that you expect to be living in Sweden for more than 1 year. A person who leaves Sweden may still be considered as residing there if the stay in another country is for less than 1 year. The same applies to an accompanying spouse and children under 18 years. By contrast, this does not normally apply if another country sends staff to Sweden to work, such as diplomats. Nor does this often include students.

If you are regarded as resident in Sweden you may be able to receive the following benefits:

If you have children

  • parental benefit at minimum level and basic level;
  • child allowance;
  • extended child allowance;
  • adoption grant;
  • maintenance support;
  • housing allowance.

If you are retired

  • guarantee pension;
  • housing supplement for pensioners;
  • Income support for the elderly;
  • special pension supplement.

If you have a disability

  • assistance allowance;
  • additional cost allowance;
  • disability allowance;
  • car allowance.

If you become ill or injured

  • rehabilitation, contribution for occupational aids and rehabilitation allowance in special cases;
  • remuneration for certain dental care;
  • remuneration in accordance with the cross-border health insurance regulation;
  • sickness benefit in special cases;
  • sickness or activity compensation in the form of guarantee compensation;
  • housing supplement for those with sickness or activity compensation.

If you are a survivor

  • adjustment pension to guarantee pension;
  • bereavement support.

Residence-based insurance ceases if you are no longer considered resident in Sweden. Exceptions are if you work in Sweden but live in another EU/EEA country or the UK*.

For some groups certain rules apply, e.g. students.

* Each case needs to be assessed individually to determine whether a person falls within the scope of Art 30 of the Withdrawal Agreement, and so the EU Coordination Regulations apply, or whether they fall within the scope of situations described in Art 32 of the Withdrawal Agreement and/or come under domestic legislation and the Protocol on Social Security Coordination attached to the Trade and Cooperation Agreement.

Work-based benefits

If you work in Sweden you will usually qualify for the work-based benefits. This applies to both employees and the self-employed. Employees in Sweden are covered by employment-based insurance from the first day of their employment. For others it applies from the date when work began.

If you work in Sweden, you are insured for the following benefits:

If you are pregnant

  • pregnancy cash benefit;
  • parental benefit at sickness benefit level and basic level.

If you have children

  • parental benefit at sickness benefit level and basic level;
  • temporary parental benefit.

If you are retired

  • income-based retirement pension.

If you become ill or injured

  • sickness cash benefit;
  • rehabilitation, rehabilitation allowance and contribution for occupational aids;
  • occupational injury benefits;
  • income-related sickness or activity compensation.

When a family member becomes ill or is injured

  • benefit for the care of closely related persons.

If you are a survivor

  • income-related survivor pension;
  • survivor benefits from occupational injury insurance;
  • survivor benefits in the form of premium pension.

You may be able to receive some employment-based benefits whatever country you live in. This applies, for example, to income-related pensions. Other benefits are only paid in certain cases if you move abroad. In general, you can take more benefits abroad with you if you move to live in another EU/EEA country or the UK rather than other countries. Employment-based insurance expires 3 months after you have stopped working in Sweden, unless this is because of a holiday or something similar. If you have a job in another country and you are covered by corresponding insurance, the Swedish insurance can cease earlier.

Know your rights



Who do you need to contact?

Swedish Social Insurance Agency
Website: www.forsakringskassan.se
Customer centre e-mail: kundcenter@forsakringskassan.se
Customer Service Centre telephone: +46 771524524
Find your local Social Insurance Agency

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