Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Luxembourg - Benefits for workplace accidents and occupational illnesses

This chapter provides information about everything you need to know in order to claim benefits for workplace accidents and occupational illnesses.

If you have worked and paid social security contributions in another European Union country, the corresponding periods may be taken into account to determine your right to benefits for workplace accidents and occupational illnesses in Luxembourg.

In what situation can I claim?

You are covered against risks relating to workplace accidents and occupational illnesses if you carry out a salaried or self-employed professional activity. Schoolchildren and students are also covered.

What conditions do I need to meet?

The insurance covers:

Benefits in kind and in cash are awarded under the same conditions as those applicable to sickness benefits, in principle with no contribution to costs from you.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Benefits in kind

You have access to health insurance treatment and to nursing care benefits relating to an occupational illness or a workplace accident. Please note that these benefits are provided by the National Health Fund (CNS) on behalf of the AAA.

Benefits for non-financial damages

If, after healing, you remain fully or partially unfit to work, you may receive an allowance

  • for physiological damage and loss of amenities of life in order to compensate for the loss of quality of life and the loss of value on the job market;
  • to compensate for pain endured until healing;
  • for aesthetic damage.

Cash benefits

  • While you are unable to work following an occupational accident or illness, your salary and your cash benefits may be maintained under the same conditions as when you are rendered unfit through illness;
  • you may have access to a partial accident benefit if you can return to work after an occupational accident;
  • a full accident benefit may be granted to you until your health has returned to normal after you no longer have the right to cash benefits. The benefits are equal to your remuneration, subject to social security contributions, as it stood prior to the accident.
  • a professional tide-over benefit equivalent to 85% of the full benefit is available if vocational rehabilitation measures apply.

Survivors' benefits

  • Orphan benefit for children;
  • Survivor's benefit for a spouse or partner;
  • Allowance for psychological damage.

Jargon busters

  • Accident Insurance Association (Association d’Assurance Accident - AAA): Public body responsible for the prevention and compensation of workplace accidents and occupational illnesses.
  • National Health Fund (Caisse nationale de santé - CNS): Health insurance fund for all private sector workers, salaried employees and self-employed persons.
  • Healing: The point when, following a period of treatment or care, the injury is mended and takes on a definitive nature, and where no further treatment is deemed necessary, except to avoid any further complications. It is at this point that it is possible to ascertain a certain degree of permanent incapacity following an accident.

Forms you may need to fill in

The forms relating to workplace accidents and occupational illnesses are available for download on the AAA website.

Know your rights

The links below provide a legal definition of your rights. They are not European Commission websites and they do not represent the views of the Commission:

Commission publications and websites:

Who do you need to contact?

Association Assurance Accident

Address: 125, route d'Esch, L-2976 - Luxembourg

Telephone number: +352 26 19 15 - 1

E-mail: prestations.aaa@secu.lu

Website: www.aaa.public.lu

Contact form: https://aaa.public.lu/fr/support/contact.html

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