Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Lithuania - Habitual place of residence

This section sets out current information on the requirements governing habitual places of residence that you must adhere to if you wish to claim certain types of social benefits.

In what situation can I claim?

A permanent residence is a place where a person actually lives and with which they are most closely associated. It is important that a person should intend to live there permanently for the foreseeable future, not just stay there for short periods of time between trips, business trips or for study purposes. Different rules apply to EU citizens than to other foreigners.

The Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania defines what is meant by a person's permanent residence.

The requirement to actually live in the place means that a person is in fact permanently occupying and maintaining the living space, and not just for a certain time each year.

By 'in the foreseeable future' is meant in the coming tax period.

Permanent residence does not need to necessarily correspond to a person's declared place of abode.

In deciding whether a person has the right to compulsory health insurance, account must be taken of whether or not they are listed in the population register.

According to a clarification of the European Court of Justice a child's residence is determined with reference to their history of residence in a State, their length of residence and other circumstances, as well as the extent of their integration into the environment.

What conditions do I need to meet?

The criteria by which a place of residence is recognised as permanent are:

  • the duration of your stay in Lithuania, continuity of residence and intention in the future to live or not to live in the country;
  • your personal situation: your paid or unpaid activities; if you have signed a contract of employment, its duration and your place of employment; your family situation; if you are studying; your source of income; your status as a tenant or homeowner, and the country in which you pay tax.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

The majority of the social security benefits in Lithuania are related to a person's activities and to past insurance contributions. Only health insurance contributions are compulsory.

Social assistance in cash, i.e. family benefits, assistance in the event of death and social support for people on a low-income, are paid by the State, with social services provided to all irrespective of contributions. Social assistance in cash is paid to permanent residents as well as to citizens and their family members of EU Member States and other countries who have been issued with documents that legally confirm their right to live in Lithuania (see Family benefits and Cash social assistance for people on low income).

Jargon busters

  • Tax period - The fiscal year, which coincides with the calendar year, but for companies is calculated from their founding or establishment.
  • SoDra - The State Social Insurance Fund Board under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, the principal body that organises social security.
  • Public records - The register of taxpayers, register of addresses, the property register and other registers of the 'Register Centre' state enterprise.

Forms you may need to fill in

  • A public register certificate of place of residence;
  • Other documents, if required, offering proof of a person's permanent residence (e.g. lease agreement).

Know your rights

These links will help you find out what your rights are. These are not European Commission websites and may not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission:

European Commission publications and websites:

Who do you need to contact?

SoDra: Tel.: 1883 or +370 52500883

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