Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Lithuania - Work Incapacity pensions

This section contains information on the allocation and calculation of work incapacity pensions (netekto darbingumo pensijos).

In what situation can I claim?

A person for whom the Disability and Working Capacity Assessment Office at the Ministry of Social Security and Labour determines that they have lost at least 45% of their capacity to work.

However, in order to qualify for an incapacity pension, a person must have a certain length of minimum length of service, which depends on their age at the time of being certified as incapacitated. A table containing the minimum lengths of service according to age is available here.

What conditions do I need to meet?

You may receive an work social insurance incapacity pension (netekto darbingumo pensija) if you fulfil the following conditions:

  • you have been identified by the Disability and Working Capacity Assessment Office at the Ministry of Social Security and Labour as a person that has lost at least 45% of your capacity to work;
  • you have a minimum length of service for receipt of an incapacity pension.

An incapacity for work pension is payable from the day the incapacity is determined so long as you have the necessary minimum length of service.

If you are resident in countries which have international agreements with Lithuania or in which European Union regulations do not apply, you nevertheless have the right to an incapacity pension so long as you have been employed a minimum length of time in Lithuanian enterprise or organisation.

Social assistance disability pensions (šalpos neįgalumo pensijos) are payable to those who have been declared as having lost at least 60% of their capacity to work (45% for individuals recognised as fully or partially incapable for work below the age of 24) and who are not entitled to a social insurance incapacity pension or for whom this would be very small.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

If you have been declared as having lost at least 45% of your capacity to work, you should apply to the local SoDra office for an incapacity pension. If on the day you were declared incapable to work, you did not meet the minimum length of service requirements you may apply for a pension once you have obtained the necessary length of service.

Social insurance work incapacity pension (netekto darbingumo pensija) consists of two parts: a general and an individual part of social insurance pension based on the length of insurance record and paid contributions.

Social assistance disability pensions (šalpos neįgalumo pensijos) depend on the social assistance pension base set by the Government and the coefficient applied which, depending on circumstance varies from 1 to 2.25 (from EUR 184 a month to EUR 414).

When calculating the amount to be awarded, account is taken of such factors as the age of the disabled person at the time their disability was recognised and its severity.

Social assistance pensions are granted from the date of entitlement. They may be granted retroactively up to 6 months preceding the submission of all the necessary documents to the local Sodra.

Jargon busters

  • SoDra - The State Social Insurance Fund Board under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, the principal body that organises social security.
  • NDNT - Disability and Working Capacity Assessment Office at the Ministry of Social Security and Labour.
  • Insured income - All personal income liable for state social security contributions.

Forms you may need to fill in

You should submit the following documents to your local SoDra office to be awarded an incapacity pension:

  • a personal identification document;
  • documents proving your length of service before 1994.

Know your rights

These links will help you find out what your rights are. These are not European Commission websites and may not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission:

European Commission publications and websites:

Who do you need to contact

Disability and Incapacity Service:

Tel. +370 52333320;

list of district branches and contacts

SoDra, Tel.: 1883 or +370 52500883

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