Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Latvia - Guaranteed minimum income

This chapter will present information on the benefit to ensure the guaranteed minimum income level (Pabalsts garantētā minimālā ienākumu līmeņa nodrošināšanai).

There is no special social assistance scheme for invalidity and for the elderly. However, those who are not entitled to Invalidity benefit or to Old-age pension can receive the State social security benefit (Valsts sociālā nodrošinājuma pabalsts) under certain conditions (see Chapters on Old-age and Invalidity for details).

In what situation can I claim?

You can claim social assistance (GMI benefit) if you are:

  • a citizen or a non-citizen of Latvia;
  • a foreigner with a permanent residence permit or EU permanent resident status in Latvia;
  • a citizen of a EU Member State or a EEA or Swiss national and:
    • have obtained permanent residence rights,
    • have the right to reside in Latvia and have resided in Latvia at least for 3 months,
    • have resided in Latvia for at least 6 months for work reasons and there is evidence that you are continuing to look for job, attested by your registration with the State Employment Agency;
  • a family member of the above mentioned persons;
  • refugee or person who have been granted alternative (subsidiary protection) status as well as their family members who are residing in the Republic of Latvia.

If you have been granted the status of needy person or family, you have the right to claim benefits to ensure the guaranteed minimum income level. This needy status can be obtained if accumulated savings do not exceed EUR 272 per household.

Municipalities are obliged to provide material support to needy families (persons), low-income families and persons or families in crisis situations to meet their basic needs (food, clothing, housing, healthcare, compulsory education).

What conditions do I need to meet?

A family or person shall be regarded as in need when:

  • the income threshold is EUR 272 for the first or only person in a household and EUR 190 for other persons in the household;
  • the family or person does not have property except for its or his or her own home, household fittings, domestic items, one car, etc.;
  • a person does not receive long-term social care and social rehabilitation services or is not in prison;
  • the person has not concluded a support contract;
  • the person is registered with the State Employment Agency as unemployed.

The status of needy family or person is granted by the municipal social service office. A family or person granted a needy status has the right to apply for the guaranteed minimum income (GMI).

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Guaranteed minimum income benefits

The amount of benefit to ensure the guaranteed minimum income (GMI) level are calculated as the difference between the GMI level stipulated by the Cabinet or municipality for each family member and the total monthly income of the underprivileged family or person.

The GMI level set by the Cabinet of Ministers corresponds to EUR 109 for a single person or 1st person in the household, and to EUR 76 for the 2nd and each next person in the household.

Applying for benefits

To receive benefits to ensure the guaranteed minimum income level, a person must apply to the municipal social service office in their municipality, submitting an application form and completing a declaration of means of support, using data from State and local government information systems. The benefits are granted for periods from 3 to 6 months.

Specialists from municipal social service office evaluate changes in the social situation of the family or person after the period for which the needy status has been granted and decide on further measures to be taken.

Jargon busters

Crisis situation - a situation in which a family (person) due to a catastrophe or other circumstances that do not depend on the will of the family (person) cannot ensure their basic needs through their own effort and they require a psychosocial or material assistance.

Forms you may need to fill in

Know your rights

See the links below for information on your rights to claim the benefit to ensure the guaranteed minimum income level. These are not European Commission websites and do not reflect the views of the European Commission.

Latvian laws and regulations on claiming minimum resources benefits:

European Commission publication and website:

Who do you need to contact?

Contacts for Latvia's municipalities

State Social Insurance Agency
Lacplesa iela 70a. Riga. LV-1011
Tel.: +371 64507020 (working days 8.30- 17.00)
Email: vsaa@vsaa.lv
Email for consultations: konsultacijas@vsaa.lv
Branches in Riga and elsewhere

Ministry of Welfare
Skolas iela 28. Riga. LV-1331
Tel.: +371 80205100
Email: lm@lm.gov.lv

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