Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Ireland - Benefits to help people reach a basic standard of living

This chapter tells you about the benefits that are not related to the number of social insurance contributions you have paid, or ‘non-contributory benefits’. Known as minimum resources, these benefits are aimed at ensuring people’s basic standard of living.

In what situation can I claim?

There are some benefits which provide a basic weekly allowance to eligible people who have little or no income. If you have claimed a social welfare benefit or pension but it has not yet been paid and you have no other income, you may qualify for these while you are waiting for your payment.

Here we cover:

  • Supplementary Welfare Allowance
  • Rent Supplement
  • Additional Needs Payment 

What conditions do I need to meet?

These benefits are means-tested and are for habitual residents only. Here are the three main examples.

Supplementary Welfare Allowance is a non-contributory payment and is means-tested. If your weekly income is below the Supplementary Welfare Allowance rate for your family size, a payment may be made to bring your income up to the appropriate Supplementary Welfare Allowance rate.

The Department of Social Protection continues to provide rental support under the Rent Supplement scheme to people with a short term housing need who live in private rented accommodation and cannot meet their rent from their own resources, generally because of a temporary loss of employment. You must be able to demonstrate you could have reasonably afforded the rent from your own resources at the commencement of the tenancy.

Rent Supplements ensure that the recipient’s income after paying rent is not less than the Supplementary Welfare Allowance rate less a weekly minimum contribution. The weekly contribution for single persons and lone parents is €30 per week, for couples and families with two adults the minimum contribution is €40 per week. Under  Housing Assistance Payment (HAP),  the provision of rental assistance to those with a long-term housing need  is the responsibility of  local authorities, under the auspices of the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government.  HAP  is  available in all local authority areas throughout the country.

An Additional Needs Payment is the overarching term used to refer to exceptional and urgent needs payments, and certain supplements to assist with ongoing or recurring costs that cannot be met from a person’s own resources and are deemed to be necessary.

Exceptional and Urgent Needs Payments are not subject to the Habitual Residence Condition.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Supplementary Welfare Allowance

Supplementary Welfare Allowance rates in 2023 - Maximum rate for people aged 25 and over:

Personal rate

Increase for a Qualified Adult

Increase for a Qualified Child

Maximum rate



€42 (aged under 12)

€50 (aged 12 and over)

Supplementary Welfare Allowance rates in 2023 - Maximum rate for people aged 18-24


Personal rate

Increase for a Qualified Adult




Note that the payment of qualified adult and child increases depends on the income your spouse or partner may have.

The reduced personal and qualified adult rate of Supplementary Welfare Allowance (SWA) for claimants under 25 years of age does not apply in the following cases:

  • people with dependent children;
  •  people who were in the care of Ireland’s Child and Family Agency during the 12 months before they turn 18.
  • people in receipt of housing supports in their own right and living independent of the family home

Rent Supplement

Rent Supplement Application (and Review) Forms can be provided by the officers in charge of your case and need to be filled in by the claimant and their landlord. If your claim is being reviewed by the officers dealing with your case they will provide you with the appropriate Rent Supplement Review Form.

All schemes have to be applied for, and are subject to review, and involve a means test..

Jargon busters

  • Non-contributory benefits are means-tested, meaning that your income or property (except your own home) will be taken into account when it comes to setting your benefit;
  • Habitual resident - The term ‘habitual resident’ is defined under EU law - see: EU Regulation on the coordination of social security systems. In practice it means the place where you have your centre of interests;
  • A qualified adult/child is a dependant for whom you may get an extra amount. This is paid as an increase to your personal payment.

Forms you may need to fill in

Know your rights

The links below set out your rights in law, they are not European Commission sites and do not represent the view of the Commission:

Commission publication and website:

Who do you need to contact?

To find out more about your Personal Public Service Number (PPS Number) contact a registration centre.

Apply for Supplementary Welfare Allowance, Exceptional Needs payments or Rent Supplement, from the office nearest you - list of offices

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