Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Greece - Survivor's benefits

This chapter includes all you need to know about the benefits you are entitled to in the event of death of a family member in Greece.

Periods of insurance completed by the deceased in a Member State of the EU, EEA and Switzerland can be counted as insurance periods covered in Greece and must be stated in all applications submitted by you. This also applies to persons falling within the scope of the Withdrawal Agreement concluded between the United Kingdom and the European Union.

Here you will find information on the following benefits:

  • funeral benefit (ΈΞΟΔΑ ΚΗΔΕΊΑΣ)

In what situation can I claim?

In the event of death of an insured individual or pensioner, the members of his/her family are entitled to survivor's pension on certain conditions.

Pensions due to death

Widow's pension under following conditions:

No age restrictions. Length of marriage must be at least 3 years, unless:

  • the deceased died from an accident at work or homicide; children are born or adopted during the marriage;
  • there is pregnancy at the time of death which results in a living birth;
  • the couple remarry in which case, the length of both marriages needs to be 5 years or more and the second marriage must have lasted at least 6 months at the time of death.

The conditions are the same for men and women.

The surviving divorced spouse receives pension if the following conditions are fulfilled:

  • The former spouse, before his/her death, had the duty to pay alimony (based on court decision on contract between former spouses).
  • 10 years of marriage were completed before the divorce was approved by court decision.
  • The divorce was not the result of severe breach of marriage caused by the person applying for pension.
  • The surviving divorced spouse is not remarried or did not enter into civil partnership.
  • The yearly personal tax income does not exceed the double amount of the yearly pension granted by the former Agricultural Insurance Organisation (OGA) to the uninsured pensioners of very old age.The partners from civil partnership have the same rights in terms of social insurance, benefit, obligation or restriction, as married couples.

Orphan’s pension:

Legitimate children, recognised children, adopted children and those considered as such have to fulfil the following requirements:

  • They are not married and are less than 24 years old.
  • When the insured died, they are not married and are incapable of any gainful activity (if the disability started before they reached 24 years of age). In this case the pension continues to be paid after they are 24 years old.

Funeral costs: as a rule, compensation is paid to the widow/widower or the person who paid for the funeral; compensation is not paid in the event of death of a dependant.

What conditions do I need to meet?

Pensions due to death: if the deceased has accumulated 1,500 insurance days, of which 300 were accumulated in the 5 years prior to his/her death, then you are entitled to survivor's pension. As a rule, pensions are subject to tax.

Funeral benefit: if the deceased was not a pensioner, in order to receive the funeral benefit s/he must have accumulated 100 days of insurance in the last year prior to his/her death or in the last 15 months of his/her life, without taking into account the last three months.

The supporting documents that you are required to submit to your e-EFKA branch include the health booklet of the deceased, a death certificate, his/her insurance booklet (if the deceased was working) or a certificate on the discontinuation of his/her pension (if the deceased was a pensioner), as well as the original receipts issued by the funeral home.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Pensions due to death

The surviving spouse receives 70% of the pension the deceased received or was entitled to receive.

If the marriage took place after the old age pension was granted to the deceased pensioner, the survivor's pension is decreased depending on the age difference between the deceased and the survivor by 1 to 5%.

If there are a surviving spouse and a divorced spouse, the above amount is allocated as follows: the surviving spouse receives 75% and the divorced spouse with at least 10 years of marriage receives 25%.

The benefit is subject to a means-test (on own income) only for the divorced spouse (the personal average monthly taxable income should not exceed twice the amount of the Social Solidarity Benefit for uninsured Older People paid by OPEKA, i.e. 2*EUR 387.90=EUR 775.80 per month). It is paid every month and there are no additional payments and no maximum duration of benefit receipt.

Each child receives 25% of the pension of the deceased parent. If the child has lost both parents the amount he/she receives is double (50%).

The benefit is not means-tested. It is paid every month and there are no additional payments.

In order to apply for a survivor’s pension please click at:


Funeral costs: this is a lump-sum benefit which is equal to eight times the reference pay of the highest insurance category. https://www.efka.gov.gr/el/elektronike-yperesia-pleromes-exodon-kedeias

Forms you may need to fill in


Know your rights

Publication and website of the European Commission:

Who do you need to contact?

e-National Social Security Fund (e-EFKA)

Directorate-General for Pensions
ΑΧΑΡΝΩΝ 27-29, 27-29, ACHARNON str

104 39 Αθήνα/Athens
Website: http://www.efka.gov.gr

1555 – Number for Citizens’ communication and service on insurance, labour and social issues www.1555.gov.gr

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