Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Estonia - Non-resident pension recipient

This chapter covers what you should know about claiming a pension from Estonia while residing in a foreign State. This chapter covers your rights, the documents required during the application process and other important information.

In what situation can I claim?

 If you qualify for a pension from Estonia but reside in a foreign State you can claim pension from the foreign State.

Estonian old age pensions are paid worldwide if you have accumulated sufficient pension insurance periods needed by law only in Estonia.

Estonian survivor’s pensions and also pensions calculated on the basis of insurance period of other EU, EEA as well as countries with which Estonia has social security agreements (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Australia and Canada) are also paid if you reside in those countries.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

You need to submit a certificate stating that you reside in a foreign state. The form you need to fill in is available here: http://www.sotsiaalkindlustusamet.ee/et/iseteenindus/blanketid#Pensioni%20blanketid

The certificate must be re-submitted to the Estonian National Social Insurance Board each year.

On 1 May 2013, a provision was added to the Estonian State Pension Insurance Act requiring non-resident pension recipients to submit a Life Certificate by no later than 1 March each year.

If your address is outside Estonia, please submit a Life Certificate, certified by the authority of the state of residence, to the Social Insurance Board annually each year and no later than 1 March. The authority may be a social welfare system authority, the Pensions Board, a local government institution or a notary public in your state of residence. A residency certificate issued by the tax authority of your state of residence may be submitted instead of a Life Certificate.

Forms you may need to fill in

You must submit a certificate stating that you reside in a foreign state. The form you need to fill in is available here: http://www.sotsiaalkindlustusamet.ee/et/iseteenindus/blanketid#Pensioni%20blanketid

The certificate must be re-submitted annually to the Estonian National Social Insurance Board.

Know your rights

Publications and webpage of the European Commission:

Who do you need to contact?

The Estonian National Social Insurance Board has 17 client service offices across Estonia that deal with requests and applications in person, as well as via mail.

The Estonian National Social Insurance Board can also be contacted by telephone.

Information is available on telephone number 16106 (in Estonia) or +372 612 1360 between the hours of 9:00-17:00 on all working days and the general phone numbers of the Estonian National Social Insurance Board's offices (please see http://www.sotsiaalkindlustusamet.ee/et/klienditeenindused).

Visit us at our regional offices on any working day (please see Client Service). http://www.sotsiaalkindlustusamet.ee/et/klienditeenindused.

Applications submitted electronically must be digitally signed.

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