Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Estonia - Benefits for disabled persons

This chapter covers the benefits and allowances for disabled persons in the Republic of Estonia. The following allowances are available to disabled people:

  • disabled child allowance (puudega lapse toetus);
  • disability allowance for a person of working age (puudega tööealise inimese toetus);
  • disability allowance for a person of retirement age (puudega vanaduspensioniealise inimese toetus);
  • disabled parent’s allowance (puudega vanema toetus);
  • education allowance (õppetoetus);
  • in-service training allowance (täienduskoolitustoetus).

More detailed information on all of the allowances can be found on the homepage of the Estonian National Social Insurance Board https://www.sotsiaalkindlustusamet.ee/en .


In what situation can I claim?

The state pays social benefits for disabled persons who have additional expenses related to their disability, e.g. they need aid equipment, care, rehabilitation, or if the additional expenses are related to transport, work or education.

Benefits are awarded and paid to permanent residents of Estonia or persons residing in Estonia on the basis of a temporary residence permit or temporary right of residence with moderate, severe or profound disabilities which cause additional expenses.

To apply for the benefit, you need to undergo an examination to determine the nature of the disability and its severity. Applications can be independently submitted from the age of 16.

What conditions do I need to meet?

Disabled child allowance is paid monthly to a disabled child under 16 years of age for the additional expenses caused by the disability and for the activities prescribed in the rehabilitation plan in an amount equal to:

  • 540% of the social benefit rate for a child with a moderate disability (EUR 138.08 in 2023);
  • 630% of the social benefit rate for a child with a severe and  945% of the social benefit rate for a child with a profound disability (EUR 161.09 and 241.64 in 2023 respectively).

The allowance for disabled persons of working age is paid monthly to compensate for additional costs caused by the disability, but at not less than 65% of the social benefit rate (EUR 16.62 in 2023) and not more than 210% of the social benefit rate (EUR 53.70 in 2023) per month.

The allowance for disabled persons of pensionable age is paid monthly to a person with moderate, severe or profound disability of pensionable age to compensate for additional costs caused by the disability and to cover the activities in the rehabilitation plan, if any:

  • 50% of the social benefit rate for persons with moderate disability (EUR 12.79 in 2023);
  • 105% of the social benefit rate for persons with severe disability (EUR 26.85 in 2023);
  • 160% of the social benefit rate for persons with profound disability (EUR 40.91 in 2023).

Disabled parent’s allowance is paid monthly to the following persons who are raising a child of up to 16 years of age, or a child up to 19 years of age who attends a lower secondary school, higher secondary school or vocational school:

  • disabled single parent;
  • one of two disabled parents;
  • disabled step-parent;
  • disabled guardian who is raising a child alone;
  • disabled person who is raising a child alone and with whom a written foster care contract has been entered into pursuant to the Social Welfare Act.

The amount of disabled parent’s allowance is 75% of the social benefit rate (EUR 19.18 in 2023).

Education allowance is paid monthly to non-working disabled students who attend years 10 to 12 of higher secondary school or who attend a vocational school or institution or an institution of higher education, and who have additional education-related expenses as a result of the disability. Education allowance is not paid for July and August.

The amount of the education allowance is 25% to 100% of the social benefit rate, based on the actual additional costs (EUR 6.39 - EUR 25.57 in 2023).

In-service training allowance shall be paid to a working disabled person for in-service training received for the purpose of professional development and formal education.

In-service training allowance shall be paid to compensate partially for actual training expenditure in an amount of up to 24 times the social benefit rate (up to EUR 613.68 in 2022) during three calendar years as of the first grant of the allowance.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

To a monthly allowance in case of a disability.

To claim, please contact the Estonian National Social Insurance Board.

Jargon busters

  • Disability is a loss or abnormality in the anatomical, physiological or mental structure or function which, combined with problems in relating to others or environmental obstacles, prevent an individual from participating in society on an equal footing with others.

Forms you may need to fill in

There are several allowance types, but you should always present the following, when making a claim:

  • an allowance application;
  • the applicant's passport or ID-card.

For different application types you must include different documents; further information on the documents required is available here:

Know your rights

 Publications and webpage of the European Commission

Who do you need to contact?

The Estonian National Social Insurance Board has 17 client service offices across Estonia that deal with requests and applications in person, as well as via mail.

The Estonian National Social Insurance Board can also be contacted by telephone.

Information is available on telephone number 16106 (in Estonia) or +372 612 1360 between the hours of 9:00-17:00 on all working days and the general phone numbers of the Estonian National Social Insurance Board's bureaus (please see https://www.sotsiaalkindlustusamet.ee/en).

Visit us at our regional offices on any working day (please see https://www.sotsiaalkindlustusamet.ee/et/organisatsioon-kontaktid/ska-klienditeenindused)

Applications submitted electronically must be digitally signed.

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