Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Czech Republic - Old-age pensions

This chapter explains the old-age pension system in the Czech Republic. It explains who has the right to apply for a pension and the eligibility conditions. It also explains the pension calculation system. EU nationals who make contributions to pension insurance in the Czech Republic are also eligible for old-age pensions.

We will explain how the following benefits work:

  • old-age pension (starobní důchod);
  • early old-age pension (předčasný starobní důchod).

In what situation can I claim?

Old-age pension (starobní důchod) is the basic benefit intended to secure the basic needs of the elderly. It is paid on a monthly basis from the moment such pension is granted until death. 99% of all persons collect such a pension once they reach the stipulated age.

There are two basic eligibility conditions to receive the old-age pension:

  • the person has reached retirement age (důchodový věk);
  • the person has made the required number of years of pension insurance contributions.

Pension insurance (důchodové pojištění) is compulsory for the vast majority of working residents in the Czech Republic. Exceptions include income from some professions (service pensions) exempted from the insurance scheme.

Retirement age and the number of insured years vary from person to person. Factors that play a role include:

  • year of birth;
  • gender;
  • number of children.

An early old-age pension (předčasný starobní důchod) is a form of old-age pension. Applicants who have not reached retirement age but who want to retire are eligible. However this benefit has age limits as well.

The amount paid out in the case of early retirement is much lower. The applicant's pension in this case is permanently reduced.

What conditions do I need to meet?

Old-age pension

Retirement age

Reaching retirement age is the primary eligibility condition for an old-age pension. The retirement age depends on the person's date of birth, gender and number of children.

For persons born before 1936:

Gender and number of children

Retirement age

Men (number of children plays no role)


Women with no children


Women with one child


Women with two children


Women with three or four children


Women with five or more children


The retirement age threshold rises steadily for persons born between 1936 and 1971. The increase differs for every category. Differences between gender and numbers of children are progressively levelling off (Table showing the retirement age for these categories of persons.) The retirement age for all persons born after 1971 is 65 years in all categories.

Insured period

The minimum insurance period was increased gradually between 2010 and 2018.

The required insurance period has been 35 years since 2019. If the retiring person exceeds the legal retirement age for men by at least 5 years, the required insurance period is shorter, i.e. 20 years (of which 15 without non-contributory periods).

The principle of aggregation is applied within the EU, the EEA, Switzerland and the UK*. The insurance periods received according to the legislation in these countries are included in the calculation of the required insurance period.

Early old-age pension

An applicant must:

  • meet the required number of insured years (just as in the case of an old-age pension);
  • meet the defined age limit;
  • not carry out gainful activity.

The age category for early retirement is defined in two categories:

  • If the insured person's retirement age is less than 63, they can only receive an early old-age pension up to three years earlier.
  • If the insured person's retirement age is more than 63 and the person is at least 60, they can receive an early old-age pension up to five years earlier.


Retirement age of insured person

Option to take early retirement







The early old-age pension is not paid as long as the person conducts a gainful activity or receives unemployment benefits or requalification benefits.

* Each case needs to be assessed individually to determine whether a person falls within the scope of Art 30 of the Withdrawal Agreement, and so the EU Coordination Regulations apply, or whether they fall within the scope of situations described in Art 32 of the Withdrawal Agreement and/or come under domestic legislation and the Protocol on Social Security Coordination attached to the Trade and Cooperation Agreement.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Old-age pension

This pension is paid monthly and is made up of two components:

  • a basic amount;
  • a percentage amount.

The basic amount is a fixed sum for all pensions. This amount is CZK 4,040 per month in 2023.

The percentage amount is defined individually. The calculation is relatively complicated and is mainly based on the applicant’s personal assessment base (see Jargon busters below) and their insurance record. it is calculated by Czech Social Security Administration (ČSSZ) staff.

Since January 2023, a child-raising bonus (CZK 500 in 2023)  has been added to the percentage amount for each child raised.. The minimum percentage amount is set at CZK 770. The minimum old-age pension in the Czech Republic is:

Basic amount

Percentage amount

Minimum old-age pension

CZK 4,040

CZK 770

CZK 4, 810

Individual old-age pension amounts can be calculated using the pension calculators of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs or pension calculator on the website of the CSSA. These calculations are indicative only though.

Persons who reach retirement age and want to continue working can:

  • work and not receive an old-age pension;
  • work and receive half of their old-age pension;
  • work and receive their entire old-age pension.

In all cases their old-age pension continues to grow given the fact they are continuing to pay insurance contributions.

There are a number of situations in which an old-age pension is calculated using a different method, for instance if the applicant has received an invalidity pension before reaching retirement age.

The law also entitles persons to receive an old-age pension who have reached a retirement age that is five years more than the defined retirement age for men given their date of birth if they do not have the required number of years of paid insurance contributions (called a proportional old-age pension).

Detailed explanations of these situations and pension calculations can be found in the Pension Insurance Act and on the Czech Social Security Administration website.

Early old-age pension

The calculation of this benefit is identical to that of an old-age pension. The basic amount is set at CZK 4,040 and the percentage amount is calculated identically.

The calculation base is then decreased for every 90 days that the applicant is missing from the early retirement date to the actual retirement age. The earlier the retirement, the greater the reduction in benefits.

An example of such reduction compared with an ordinary pension:

A man takes early retirement on 26 April 2020, three years before reaching retirement age. His average income (personal assessment base) is CZK 28,411.

Basic amount of early retirement on 26 April 2020  CZK 3,490

Percentage amount of early retirement on 26 April 2020.

CZK 9,947

Early old-age pension on 26 April 2020

CZK 13,437

Indexed basic amount of early retirement on 1 January 2023

CZK 4,040

Indexed percentage amount of early retirement on 1 January 2023

CZK 13,273

Early old-age pension on 26 April 2023

CZK 17,313

Old-age pension that the man would normally have received on 26 April 2023

CZK 19.642

Where and how to apply

Old-age and early old-age pensions are applied for in person at Czech Social Security Administration offices (pobočky České správy sociálního zabezpečení).

Applications can be submitted four months prior to entitlement to the pension. Czech Social Security Administration staff will calculate the pension amount based on the applicant's specific situation.

The documentation that must be furnished with the application can be found on the relevant Czech Social Security Administration website.

Work records must be provided in specific cases if the Czech Social Security Administration does not have relevant records on past work activities. Photocopies of compensatory sheets, payslips, proof of taxable income, etc. can be used in such cases.

Jargon busters

  • The basic amount (základní výměra) is a fixed pension component. This amount is CZK 4,040 in 2023.
  • The percentage amount (procentní výměra) is the floating portion of the pension that is defined for every applicant individually. This amount is based on income since 1986 and the number of years of pension insurance.
  • Retirement age (důchodový věk) is the age at which an individual person can apply for an old-age pension. This age is defined by gender year of birth and, in the case of women also by the number of children raised.
  • The personal assessment base (osobní vyměřovací základ) is calculated using average income since the age of 18 (from 1986 onwards). Older income is increased based on current prices (calculator (Důchodová kalkulačka), in Czech only).

Forms you may need

The old-age or early old-age pension application (Žádost o starobní i předčasný starobní důchod) is completed with Czech Social Security Administration staff.

There is no need to complete any forms in advance.

Know your rights

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Please make use of EU assistance services if you experience any problems in applying your rights.

Useful contacts

Czech Social Security Administration (Česká správa sociálního zabezpečení)
Křížová 25
225 08 Prague 5
Call centre: +420 257062860

Czech Social Security Administration client centre for pension information (Klientské centrum ČSSZ pro informace o důchodech)   (in Czech)

List of Czech Social Security Administration offices (in Czech)

Czech Social Security Administration electronic register (in Czech)

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic (Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí ČR)
Na Poříčním právu 1/376
128 01 Prague 2
Tel. +420 221921111
Data box: sc9aavg

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