en English

Dialogue with EU Regional Offices

European Urban Initiative. State of play and opportunities ahead

Thursday, 15 December 2022, from 15.30 to 17.00
Hybrid meeting: Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino- Representation in Brussels, 45/47 Rue de Pascale- 1040 Brussels and Microsoft Teams. You need to be part of our Teams group to participate. The session will be recorded and published in our Teams group.


Time Topic Speaker(s)

Technical preparation for the connected participants.


Introduction & housekeeping

Gianluca COMUNIELLO, DG REGIO Unit A.2 Communication with member States sector


What is the European Urban initiative: legislative context, main features

Pia LAURILA, DG REGIO Unit 03 Policy officer- Territorial and Urban Development Policy


Interested by urban innovation support? A look to the first EUI call in support to the New European Bauhaus and how to apply

Francois GALLAGA, DG REGIO Unit 03 Policy officer- Territorial and Urban Development Policy


Q&A session

The presentation will be available soon here and on our Teams group.
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