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Road Trip Project

The Road Trip Project is above all a human adventure! In 2018 and in 2019 altogether 16 young travellers embarked on a van for a journey across Europe. On the road, they met locals and explored a variety of EU-supported projects and activities. They shared their experiences through videos, photos and blog posts on social media platforms, exchanging tips on the road and triggering a Europe-wide conversation among their peers.

In 2020, the Road Trip Project became the Green Trip. The campaign aims to raise young Europeans’ awareness of the climate urgency, connect them with the EU's environment and climate action, and engage them to explore more sustainable lifestyles. From September to December local influencers in five target countries – Belgium, Germany, Greece, Lithuania and Portugal – embarked on a discovery journey, exploring by themselves a variety of green projects and initiatives enabled by the EU in their respective regions. Sharing their stories with their communities on social media, in their local language, influencers and followers challenged each other to adopt environmentally friendly habits, thus doing their bit to protect our planet.

The travellers’ Road Trip stories provide a wealth of inspiring information about Europe and what it has to offer. Following their journeys is an invitation to hit the road and discover the regions that make Europe unique. Read more about their journeys below – by clicking on the links, you can watch the videos the travellers created on the way.

2020/21 – Europe is GREEN!

Ding Dong ChallengeIn October 2020, 15 young influencers set off on their Green Trips across Belgium, Germany, Greece, Lithuania and Portugal. They visited stunning national parks, met inspiring business owners and gave a helping hand to local sustainability initiatives. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, many trips shifted to a digital alternative, but this did not stop our influencers from having lively discussions and eye-opening encounters. Altogether, their journeys included stops at more than 70 EU enabled projects and initiatives that showcase existing green solutions and promote a climate friendly lifestyle. The influencers and their followers learnt that it is high time to fight climate change, clean up our oceans and consume more responsibly in our everyday life. But they also experienced that change is under way: From urban farms to upcycling start-ups, from eco-tourism services to foodsaving initiatives – the green movement in Europe is diverse and growing. We can all play a role in it, partnering up with the efforts of the European Union to make our continent carbon-neutral and environmentally-friendly. To underline the part that each of us can play in promoting a greener Europe, the Green Trip campaign supported the launch of the Climate Pact, an EU-wide initiative to engage the public in climate action.

The influencer journeys have now come to an end. Highlights in the upcoming months include new social media content touching upon five key sustainability issues and partnerships with schools to bring green ideas into Europe’s classrooms. To deliver on its potential, the campaign needs your engagement! You can see the campaign activities below. If you are an educator use our school toolkit to raise awareness of sustainability issues. .

  • Follow the campaign on instagram: @EUinmyregion #DingDongEU