en English

The Megalizzi – Niedzielski prize for aspiring journalists

The Megalizzi – Niedzielski prize rewards aspiring journalists that show a strong attachment to the EU and its values.

The prize is awarded during the EU Regions’ Week to three of the participants selected for the Youth4Regions programme for aspiring journalists. A European Commission jury grants two of the awards by assessing the participants’ commitment to EU values, as well as the quality of their previous work and of their entry into the Youth4Regions programme. A third prize is awarded by the public to talented young photojournalists following an online competition of photos depicting EU-funded projects.

The Megalizzi–Niedzielski prize honours the memory of Antonio Megalizzi and Bartek Piotr Orent-Niedzielski, young European journalists with a strong attachment to the EU and its values, who passed away after a terrorist attack in Strasbourg in late 2018.

The Megalizzi – Niedzielski prize for aspiring journalists

The 2023 winners are Olena Martyniuk from Ukraine, Antonina Lozanova from Bulgaria and Sara Fačko from Croatia (photo competition). We hope that the three winners will continue sharing Antonio and Bartek’s attachment to the European project and its values and that they will be journalists committed to reporting honestly about the EU and its benefits to regions and people.