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Museums strengthen Polish-Russian cross-border links

Under the Museums over the Borders project, the Museum of Archaeology and History in Elbląg, in Poland’s Warmińsko-mazurskie region and the Friedland Gate Museum in Kaliningrad, Russia renovated their historic buildings, fitting them out with modern equipment and exhibitions. These upgrades have fostered understanding and strengthened bonds between communities separated by the Polish-Russian border. Noteworthy in this regard are twin holographic installations which screen a film about the regions’ shared history, using advanced technology to convey a universal message.

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Developing an eco-economy network between France and Spain

The ENECO 2 project aims firstly to promote eco-innovation to SMEs in five regions across France and Spain, and secondly to establish a dynamic cross-border eco-economy that contributes to the sustainable competitiveness of these companies and partner regions.

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Supporting climate change decisions in the Baltic area

Territorial cooperation has led to development of a tool kit and other material to support climate change decision making. The kit is for policy makers, spatial planners and businesses in small and medium-sized cities and rural areas in the Baltic region and should help them understand climate change and tackle it in a cooperative, integrated and sustainable way.

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Projects |
Cross-border network creates diet and exercise expertise

An innovative ERDF-funded project has established a cross-border skills network with the aim of promoting nutrition and physical activity in both Denmark and Germany. A key element of the network has been its active cross-border collaboration to create joint teaching and learning materials and better learning environments.

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Strengthening cross-border expansion of life science SMEs

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the life sciences sector were given funding and access to experts in other regions to help with their product and marketing development. Through the IN2LifeSciences project, eight leading regions in North-West Europe collaborated to give SMEs the tools, resources and business advisory services they needed to succeed.

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Academic support for green energy knowledge transfer

The Green Energy project fosters innovation, research and technological development by stimulating knowledge transfer and cooperation between the University of Zielona Góra and the Brandenburg University of Technology. This should widen access to scientific knowledge and support integration between both sides of the German-Polish border, leading to economic development.

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Connecting movie makers with the right locations

The Location Guide Großregion/Grande Région project promotes the greater region of Saarland, Rheinland-Pfalz, Lorraine and the German-speaking East Cantons of Belgium as a site for making films.

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Enabling local academic excellence to flourish in Polish regions

The excellent teaching facilities at Opole University’s newly renovated faculty of chemistry building have given the institution a growing reputation for excellence and provided new opportunities for the region’s next generation of budding chemists.

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