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Museums strengthen Polish-Russian cross-border links

Under the Museums over the Borders project, the Museum of Archaeology and History in Elbląg, in Poland’s Warmińsko-mazurskie region and the Friedland Gate Museum in Kaliningrad, Russia renovated their historic buildings, fitting them out with modern equipment and exhibitions. These upgrades have fostered understanding and strengthened bonds between communities separated by the Polish-Russian border. Noteworthy in this regard are twin holographic installations which screen a film about the regions’ shared history, using advanced technology to convey a universal message.

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Ancient theatre of Aptera in Crete restored to its former glory

Located on the island of Crete, the ancient theatre of Aptera is one of the most important historical monuments of its kind in Greece. It has been restored, preserved and reopened to the public after nearly two millennia thanks to an EU-funded project.

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A state-of-the-art exhibition centre for Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast

An EU-funded project has made it possible for infrastructure at the Flora exhibition centre in Burgas, Bulgaria to be brought up to date, enabling it to host cultural, educational and social attractions all year round. The innovative and ecological design and construction methods used for the renovation showcase the approach taken by local authorities towards sustainable development policies.

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Adapting to climate change and sustainable energy planning in Alpine regions

Like most mountainous regions, the Italian Nord-Ovest Alpine region is highly sensitive to climate change. The EU-funded SEAP_Alps project developed plans for mountain communities, specifically in Alpine regions, to save energy and adapt to climate change, and disseminated them effectively among the municipalities in such regions. 

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Andalusian youth spearhead aerospace industry

The EU-funded Aerospace Technology Transfer Incubator of Seville project helped transfer technological knowhow to young entrepreneurs and SMEs. The project supported the ambitions of innovative entrepreneurs and helped accelerate the emergence, collaboration and consolidation of start-ups and micro-SMEs within Andalucía’s aerospace sector.

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The Louvre-Lens is the 3rd most visited provincial museum in France

Opened on 4 December 2012 on the site of a former mine-head in Lens (France), the Louvre-Lens Museum offers visitors 5 000 years of history in one fell swoop. In five years, more than 2.8 million people have visited the Gallery of Time. In this unique 120-metre-long space, they have been able to discover more than 200 masterpieces from the Louvre. The Louvre-Lens Museum is contributing to the revitalization of this mining area in the former Nord-Pas-de-Calais region and it has generated more than EUR 120 million in direct economic rewards. 65 % of visitors are from Hauts-de-France.

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New transport system brings new opportunities

Kielce is a city in Eastern Poland that has traditionally suffered from a lack of investment in its transport system. The area has also seen intensive growth in its automotive industry. The largest infrastructure project the city has ever known is improving the situation while enhancing quality of life for its residents.

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