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Work with us


Work with us
The Office of Infrastructure and Logistics has a staff of around 400, including permanent officials, contract staff and employees under Luxembourg private law.

Given the range of its activities, OIL recruits staff with different profiles and training: engineers, technicians, waiters, drivers, printers, etc.

OIL's recruitment procedures are mainly managed by the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO).

Officials and temporary agents

EPSO regularly organises general competitions and selection procedures in different areas to recruit officials and temporary agents.

Successful candidates are placed on a reserve list and their CVs are registered in a database managed by EPSO.

Contract staff Contract agent (CA)

posts are divided into four Function Groups (FG) corresponding to task types and specific job requirements.

Contract staff selection procedures are also organised by EPSO, after a call for expressions of interest. The CVs of the successful candidates are registered in a database managed by EPSO.

Blue Book’ Traineeships

Twice a year, the European Commission offers five-month traineeships to university graduates from European Union member states and to a number of nationals of non-member countries.

Subcontracting or other opportunities

OIL occasionally publishes invitations to tender relating to its activities and specific needs.

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