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Compliance with occupational health and safety rules


Health and safety

OIL is responsible for adopting the necessary measures to ensure that health and safety rules are applied and upheld in all European Commission buildings in Luxembourg.

The role of the 'Health and safety at work'(SST) team is:

Security checks:

  • Authorising the work of external companies in the buildings
  • Fire licence: no work can begin without this licence which ensures that buildings meet fire prevention conditions
  • Ensuring that ongoing work does not pose a risk to Commission staff
  • Monitoring asbestos-containing materials in the European Commission buildings in Luxembourg concerned, and in the Interinstitutional Children’s Centre
  • Maintaining an inventory of dangerous products
  • Keeping safety data sheets on the products used in the various Commission buildings in Luxembourg (maintenance products, paint, etc.)

Fire prevention

  • Evacuation drills: at least one per year in each building
  • Maintenance of fire extinguishers and first aid equipment
  • Inspection of fire prevention systems

Hygiene inspections

  • Organisation of hygiene inspections in the kitchens, restaurants and crèches
  • Organising checks on water quality
  • Organising microbiological checks of foodstuffs, air and work surfaces

Training and information

  • Training of fire wardens (EPIs)
  • Safety awareness-raising actions

These tasks require close cooperation with various departments, including the Security Directorate of DG Human Resources and Security, the Commission's Medical Service and the Committee on Health and Safety at Work (CSHT) (a joint committee composed of representatives of OIL and other European Commission departments and union representation officials).