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Logistics and services


Logisitics and services

Transport of staff and equipment

The role of the 'Transport' section is to organise and monitor the transport of persons and equipment.

Subject to availability, vehicles can be made available to officials/other staff for work-related journeys.

In addition, OIL encourages staff to use other means of transport, amongst others through negotiating preferential conditions with local authorities, subsidizing public transport tickets, and encouraging soft mobility.

Receipt, dispatch and internal distribution of documents

The role of the 'Messengers, Sorting, Mail' section is to organise the collection and distribution of internal and external mail between Commission departments and between the various Institutions in Luxembourg.

Meanwhile, the CAD (Document Management Centre) handles the registration of incoming mail, document management and archiving.

Conference organisation

The 'Communication - Conference Planning' team manages the conference rooms in the Commission's buildings in Luxembourg.

This covers room booking, monitoring bookings and proper conditions of use, safety and the provision of equipment before and during meetings and conferences.

For further information, contact

Printing documents

The Publications Office took over OIL's printing activities in 2018.

Office supplies

The 'Logistics and Security' provides European Commission staff with the office supplies they need.


OIL is also responsible for contracts with security companies to ensure compliance with all essential security procedures in all European Commission buildings in Luxembourg.