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The housing of staff


Housing of staff

The housing of staff Building projects, building rental and management

OIL is responsible for implementing buildings policy and monitoring the construction of new buildings for the European Commission, such as the future Jean Monnet 2 (JMO2) building.

OIL is also in charge of all the European Commission's buildings in Luxembourg, as well as the Interinstitutional Children's Centre (CPE) and the Foyer Européen (the centre for training and social and cultural activities of the European institutions in Luxembourg).

Building maintenance and repairs

OIL is responsible for planning repairs and technical maintenance (heating, ventilation, electricity, etc.). It ensures that this work is scheduled so as to cause minimal inconvenience to staff and is carried out in such a way that the proper functioning of the systems in question is not affected.

Management of office space

OIL manages the allocation of office space to the various directorates-general and departments, and prepares contracts with external companies specialising in removals.