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Bridging the Digital Divide: Brittany's Leap Towards Universal High-Speed Broadband Access

On February 22, Brittany celebrated a key digital milestone, connecting 500,000 households and businesses to high-speed broadband, advancing towards EU digital goals. This "Bretagne Très Haut Débit" project, backed by EU funds, promises enhanced accessibility and economic growth. Designated as an Operation of Strategic Importance, it exemplifies the impactful integration of digital infrastructure within regional development, setting a new standard for digital inclusivity across Europe.

The European Urban Initiative launched a new call for Peer Reviews

If your city is looking into setting-up or improving its Sustainable Urban Development strategy, this call is for you! Embark in an enriching learning journey with like-minded people from around Europe with the goal to improve your strategy. You will get to exchange and receive personalised advice from urban practitioners via online interactions and a 2-day in person event. All under the careful support of European Urban Initiative experts. Two roles are possible, one application: City under Review and Peer Reviewers. Check more details here and join European Urban Initiative’s upcoming online event to learn more.

PRESS RELEASE: 9th Cohesion Report

Today, 27 March, the Commission published its 9th Cohesion Report, showing that Cohesion policy is fulfilling its mission to narrow economic, social, and territorial disparities across the EU.

What has Cohesion policy done for Greece?

Cohesion policy has walked hand in hand with Greece since its accession to the EU in 1981. A total €77 billion supported transformative projects across 🇬🇷, from infrastructure to innovation, fostering inclusive growth and prosperity. Have a look at some telling examples (Read Commissioner Ferreira's complete thread on X)

What has Cohesion policy done for Ireland?

After 50+ years in the EU, Ireland has benefitted from €20 billion in Cohesion policy support for economic development.Funding initially focused on major infrastructure projects: M1/M4 between Dublin and Galway, the Dublin Port Tunnel, water supply and wastewater treatment. (Read Commissioner Ferreira's entire thread on X)

ECOFLUV: Revolutionizing Urban Logistics with Zero-Emission Boats

On 19th March, ECOFLUV inaugurated “Evoli”, their zero-emission vessel. Since its establishment in 2021, ECOFLUV has emerged as an important player in the field of river transport, with a real commitment to energy transition. Its latest project, the design and construction of the zero-emission boat Evoli, perfectly exemplifies this dedication.

Commissioner Ferreira visits Greece to see the benefits of Cohesion policy on the ground

Tomorrow, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira will embark on a three-day mission to Greece to visit Athens, Patras, Megalopolis and Tripolis, to see first-hand how Cohesion Policy is supporting these areas and specifically, how the Just Transition Fund is helping them make the transition to a net-zero economy in a fair and inclusive way.