en English

Interreg Black Sea Basin programme: Apply to the calls for projects!

  • 02 April 2024
Interreg Black Sea Basin programme: Apply to the calls for projects!

The second call for projects is open until June 28, 2024, 14:00 (EET).

Eligible partners from Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Armenia, Republic of Moldova, Georgia, Türkiye and Ukraine can submit their applications to cooperate across the Black Sea basin.

Projects should contribute to the specific objectives of the Program, namely:

  • Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities;
  • Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention;
  • Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure;
  • Build up mutual trust, in particular by encouraging people-to-people actions.

The available budget of the calls from Interreg funds is of almost EUR 47 million. The value of the Interreg grants to be awarded is of maximum 90% of the total eligible costs, whereas the co-financing rate must be at least 10%.

All potential applicants are invited to submit projects by accessing the electronic monitoring system of the Programme (Jems) at the link:

The detailed description of the call, including the eligibility and project submission rules, as well as additional information on the selection process and the Application Packs for the two types of projects (regular and small-scale) can be accessed at


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