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Head over to Dg Regio's Instagram to see the #EURegionsWeek video recaps

The EU Regions Week is a place to debate, to share and exchange ideas on how to improve the life of European citizens and make life in Europe the best it can be. That’s why we are here! To have fruitful discussions on the important role played by #CohesionPolicy for Europe's future and the involvement of regions and cities. And we couldn’t start in a better way. An opening session in a dynamic format and key actors to debate Europe's future from the perspective of its regions and cities and a press conference highlighting the past achievements whilst looking into the future.

GreenTech Solutions Summit in Luxembourg

The GreenTech Solutions Summit, which took place on 26th September 2024 in Luxembourg heralds official launch of the Interreg-supported ‘Greater Green+’ project.

Regions in the spotlight: Eurostat regional yearbook

The 2024 Eurostat regional yearbook package has just been published, offering a comprehensive overview of economic, social, demographic and environmental developments at regional level in the EU countries. This package reveals the diverse realities across the regions, providing deeper insight into how they are evolving.

Interview: Meet the new REGI Committee Chair Dragoș Benea

MEP Dragoș Benea is the new chair of the European Parliament Committee on Regional Affairs, succeeding Younous Omarjee. In this interview to Panorama, Dragoș Benea details the values that will inspire him during his mandate, his expectations and his priorities in cooperation with the European Commission and Member States to deliver a robust cohesion policy fit for contemporary and future challenges.

COME SAIL AWAY: the Baltic Sea Region as a boating destination thanks to EU Funds

The Baltic Sea, characterized by its unique natural features, offers a picturesque and less demanding environment for sailing. EU funds have facilitated the development of sailing infrastructure and promoted sustainable tourism in the region. The collaborative efforts within the framework of the "BaltSusBoating 2030" project present a case study of branding for the Baltic Sea as a premier sailing destination for long-term competitiveness.

Communities for Climate: Empowering Local Action Against Climate Change

Communities for Climate (C4C) is a European Commission initiative empowering local action against climate change by supporting community-led projects. By providing financial, technical, and strategic assistance, C4C fosters innovative and sustainable solutions tailored to local needs, encouraging grassroots action. This initiative not only mitigates climate impacts but also promotes a culture of resilience and sustainability, serving as a model for broader change across Europe.

Back to school with new MOOC on Cohesion Policy

The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a step towards transforming European reporting on cohesion policy and contribute to the general understanding of European affairs. The MOOC is due to launch officially on 19 October by project partners and the European Commission.

A STEP towards supporting critical technologies in the EU

For its industry to remain competitive and sustainable, Europe needs to keep the pace with other big global players and allowing novation to bloom in the Union. This is the mission of the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP): a support to European industry and a booster for investment in critical technologies.