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Latest Updates on the C4T Working Groups on Climate Change, Energy, and Environment

Catch up on the latest news from the C4T Working Groups!

date:  25/03/2024

The C4T Working Groups on Climate Change, Energy, and Environment have been engaged in rich discussions on some of the common challenges and solutions to implementing cohesion funds. 

In the most recent Working Group meeting, these focused on:

  • The Climate Change Working Group has been focusing on infrastructure in urban areas and the impact of climate risks, sustainable climate adaptation, engagement, and compensation of local communities.

  • The Energy Working Group has been looking at social impacts of the energy crisis and transition, renewable energy, energy storage solutions, green hydrogen, and bioenergy.

  • The Environment Working Group has been looking at biodiversity and nature-based solutions, environmental practices for cities, water management, circular economy and waste, and tackling local pollution.

In addition to their thematic areas of focus, all Working Group members together with the Academic Sounding Board, have been discussing cross-cutting issues that are widespread in most regions, such as climate proofing, green public procurement, and the ‘Do No Significant Harm’ principle. 

To expand this engaging community of stakeholders, the call for new Working Group members remains open. If you are a managing authority, intermediary body, or other relevant stakeholders, we encourage you to apply here to join the Working Groups.  

A compendium of all materials created is currently under development.