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Latest Updates from the Academic Sounding Board

Catch up on the latest news from the Academic Sounding Board.

date:  25/03/2024

The Academic Sounding Board (ASB) is currently advancing the first three Knowledge Pieces after several fruitful exchanges with managing authorities, and we look forward to their publication very soon!

Dr Lefteris Topaloglou and Dr Mariya Trifonova are currently finalising their Knowledge Piece, which provides guidance on how Cohesion Policy can be used to promote sustainable renewable energy. 

At the same time, the Knowledge Piece focusing on nature-based solutions to climate adaptation by Prof Dr Erik Anderson, Prof Dr Stefan Greiving and Prof Dr László Pintér is in the final stages of development. 

Furthermore, the Knowledge Piece authored by Prof Dr Eduardo Medeiros will shed more light on the implementation of the “Do-No-Significant Harm” principle in Cohesion Policy.

The C4T Secretariat is delighted to see the results of the past and ongoing intensive dialogues and the science-policy interface being put into practice!

Against this background, we already look forward to soon kickstarting the second set of the Knowledge Pieces.

The Knowledge Pieces and the first lessons learned will also be the focus of two virtual ASB meetings on the 19th of April and the 5th of June 2024.