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Overview   International ocean governance

International ocean governance

EU and Member States agree to step up efforts to protect oceans

EU Ministers today welcomed the Communication on International Ocean Governance, adopted by the Commission and the High Representative in November 2016, calling it a “timely and relevant contribution to achieving […]better coordination and cooperation to ensure that oceans are safe, secure, conserved and sustainably used and managed."

High-Level Meeting, International Ocean Governance, An agenda for the future of our oceans

On 30 January 2017 the Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella, met on the invitation of the Seas, Rivers, Islands and Coastal Areas Intergroup with eleven Members of the European Parliament and more than twenty maritime stakeholders at the European Parliament to discuss the Joint Communication on International Ocean Governance, launched in November 2016, and the upcoming report of the European Parliament.

International ocean governance: EU's contribution for safe, secure, clean and sustainably managed oceans

The global ocean economy is estimated at €1.3 trillion. Climate change, poverty and food security are some of the global challenges that can be effectively addressed, if oceans are better protected and sustainably managed. The Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy adopted today a Joint Communication, proposing actions for safe, secure, clean and sustainably managed oceans. As a strong global actor, the European Union sets out an agenda for better ocean governance based on a cross-sectoral, rules-based international approach.

Karmenu Vella to pledge for better international ocean governance in COP22

In the framework of the EU's "Ocean Week" initiative (7-13 November 2016), European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella will outline Europe's current efforts to implement the Paris Agreement on Climate Change at the 22nd Convention of the Parties of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 22) to be held in Marrakech, Morocco, from 8 to 13 November 2016.

Commission publishes summary report on ocean governance consultation

What can the EU do to promote the sustainable use of seas and oceans and preserve internationally shared marine resources? How can it help secure the conditions of sustainable blue growth? European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella today announced the results of a European Commission consultation on international ocean governance which took place from June to October 2015, alongside a 'listening tour' with stops in Portugal, Ireland, Malta, the United States, Norway, Chile, Spain and France, among others.

Our Ocean conference: Commissioner Vella sets out EU measures to preserve the world's oceans

Commissioner Karmenu Vella, responsible for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, today announced a set of actions that will include a major political initiative on international ocean governance next year. Based on a wide public consultation and listening tour, this initiative reaffirms the European Commission's commitment to better international ocean governance and will strengthen the EU’s external action in this regard.

International ocean governance: dialogue with our partners intensifies

European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella, has intensified dialogue with international maritime stakeholders on how to improve ocean governance globally. To take advantage of the opportunities offered by this global outreach, the Ocean governance consultation period ends on 15th of October.

EU discusses international ocean governance with North Atlantic partners

What is the right framework for the governance of our oceans in the 21st century? What are the challenges ahead and how are North Atlantic fisheries partners responding to those challenges? These are some of the questions that Commissioner Karmenu Vella will raise at the 20th North Atlantic Fisheries Ministers Conference in Malta (16 & 17 July, 2015).

Building the Blue Growth agenda: Commission asks public its views on EU's role in shaping international ocean governance

The Commission has launched a public consultation on what the EU can do to improve international governance of oceans and seas to the benefit of sustainable blue growth. Speaking at the World Ocean Summit in Portugal earlier this month, Commissioner Karmenu Vella said: "If our oceans are not healthy, our economy falls ill. Global maritime challenges require global solutions. I am committed to work intensively to define Europe's role in international ocean governance, for a sustainable blue economy and blue growth".