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Building the Blue Growth agenda: Commission asks public its views on EU's role in shaping international ocean governance

The Commission has launched a public consultation on what the EU can do to improve international governance of oceans and seas to the benefit of sustainable blue growth. Speaking at the World Ocean Summit in Portugal earlier this month, Commissioner Karmenu Vella said: "If our oceans are not healthy, our economy falls ill. Global maritime challenges require global solutions. I am committed to work intensively to define Europe's role in international ocean governance, for a sustainable blue economy and blue growth".

date:  25/06/2015

As the use of marine resources continues to increase around the globe, the existing international ocean governance framework could be ineffective in addressing resulting maritime challenges, particularly in the 60 per cent of the oceans that are beyond national jurisdictions. The consultation therefore asks European and international stakeholders – international organisations, state actors, NGOs, business, the research community, academia and civil society – for their views on the best path of action and the EU's role. The consultation is available in all EU languages and in an on-line survey format (English only). It will run until 15th September 2015.

To complement the consultation, Commissioner Vella will also be meeting personally with stakeholders and international partners to gather their views and discuss possible ways forward. The listening tour will kick off with a visit to Cork, Ireland in early July.

More information

Commission asks public its views on EU's role in shaping international ocean governance

International ocean governance consultation now available in all languages

Consultation on International Ocean Governance