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Blue growth

A summit for the Mediterranean

Commissioner Karmenu Vella was invited to deliver a speech at the “Mediterranean Leadership Summit” organized by the Economist in Malta on 28 and 29 April 2016. The conference comes at a time when the countries of the Mediterranean Sea are called upon to share their vision for stability, growth and competitiveness in the region.

Commission invests over €7.5 million under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund to boost innovation, growth and jobs in the marine and maritime sectors.

The European Commission is investing over €7.5 million to boost innovation and create jobs in the marine and maritime sectors. The money is available under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and divided in calls for proposal focusing on the key areas where the European Union can have the biggest impact: skills, creativity and technology.

SAVE THE DATE: Blue Economy Business and Science Forum – The Hamburg Summit 2016

The European Commission is organising the first Blue Economy Business and Science Forum in Hamburg on 12 and 13 September. This Summit will gather together around 200 Blue Economy stakeholders who will be proposing solutions for boosting the European competitiveness in marine and maritime technologies, increasing collaboration between science and industrial sectors, demonstrating the value of innovative technologies, scaling them up and bringing them to the market.

Commission publishes summary report on ocean governance consultation

What can the EU do to promote the sustainable use of seas and oceans and preserve internationally shared marine resources? How can it help secure the conditions of sustainable blue growth? European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella today announced the results of a European Commission consultation on international ocean governance which took place from June to October 2015, alongside a 'listening tour' with stops in Portugal, Ireland, Malta, the United States, Norway, Chile, Spain and France, among others.

Commissioner Vella promotes Atlantic cooperation during Brittany visit

Commissioner Karmenu Vella is visiting Brittany today to engage with various stakeholders on fisheries, the blue economy, and marine protection. Following a meeting with French Secretary of State Mr Alain Vidalies this morning, Commissioner Vella participated in the 2nd Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference in Brest, a city known for its dynamism in terms of blue growth.

Roadmap to give new push for ocean energy

A draft strategy for developing the ocean energy sector in Europe will be presented to business leaders and energy ministers at a high-level meeting in Dublin today. The "strategic roadmap" was prepared by the Ocean Energy Forum, created by the EU in 2014 to help get promising ocean energy technologies off the ground.

Shaping ocean governance: global engagement in EU consultation

The Commission's international public consultation on how the EU could contribute to achieving better international governance of oceans and seas to the benefit of sustainable blue growth is now closed. The EU is a global frontrunner in the development of sustainable ocean-based economies through its robust set of environmental rules, reformed Common Fisheries Policy and its global fight against illegal fishing.

How to foster blue growth in the Baltic Sea region?

Baltic Sea stakeholders and authorities met today to discuss how to foster blue growth and develop an innovative and sustainable maritime economy in the region. The ultimate aim: developing a master plan for blue growth in the Baltic.