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Press releases/news articles

Press releases/news articles

Commission proposes fishing opportunities for the Black Sea for 2015

The Commission has today proposed a cut to the annual EU quota for turbot by 15%, to 74 tonnes, and to keep the EU quota for sprat unchanged at 11 475 tonnes. The proposal is based on the advice by the Commission's Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF). The proposal will now be discussed by EU ministers at the December Fisheries Council.

Be a part of European Maritime Day 2015

Ahead of the 8th annual European Maritime Day Conference, to be held in Piraeus, Greece, on 28 and 29 May next year, the European Commission is organising two information sessions for anyone wanting to get involved in the conference.

Maritime Spatial Planning key to sustainable maritime tourism

Sustainable maritime tourism can inject much needed impetus into the economy of Europe's coastal regions but is dependent on a healthy environment and proper management to do so. That will be the message delivered by the European Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella, at the opening of the Maritime Spatial Planning and Tourism conference in Venice tomorrow.

EU – Guinea-Bissau renew sustainable fisheries cooperation

Following the restoration of constitutional order in Guinea-Bissau, the EU and Guinea-Bissau have signed a new three-year fisheries Protocol under the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the two parties. EU boats, mostly from Spain, Portugal, France, Greece and Italy, will now be able to resume fishing in local waters following a two year interruption.

Internship Opportunity at the NAFO Secretariat

A NAFO Intern Program allows students, post graduates or early career individuals from NAFO member countries an opportunity to improve their skills, enhance their experience and learn about NAFO and its activities.

Blue Day, Port of Augusta, Sicily

Event organised on the 30 October by the Italian Presidency and the European Commission (with the support of the Port Authority of Augusta and the Italian Navy).

Helping Italian consumers choose sustainable fish

The European Commission will be unveiling sustainable seafood guides at Slow Food's Salone del Gusto – Terra Madre in Turin on 23rd October 2014, as part of "Inseparable", a European initiative to help consumers make sustainable seafood choices.