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Press releases/news articles

AGRIFISH Council: Ministers will decide on fishing catch limits for 2020

On 16 and 17 December, the Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius will discuss with EU ministers the Commission’s proposal for the 2020 fishing opportunities for the Atlantic and North Sea at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council in Brussels. The Council is also expected to adopt the Commission’s proposal on the 2020 fishing opportunities for the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea – the first proposal ever to cover the Mediterranean and a historic step towards the sustainability of fish stocks in that region.

EU and Faroe Islands agree on fishing arrangements for 2020

On December 10th, the European Union and the Faroe Islands have reached an agreement on reciprocal exchanges of fishing opportunities in each other’s waters for 2020. The new agreement allows for the exchange of a number of important quotas for the European Union, such as cod, haddock, saithe and redfish, with Norway pout and blue whiting for the Faroe Islands. The Parties have also agreed reciprocal access to each other’s waters for mackerel, Atlanto-Scandian herring and blue whiting.

Climate change: EU stresses the need to address the impacts of climate change on oceans at UN General Assembly

The UN General Assembly (UNGA) adopted on 10 December two resolutions on Oceans and Law of the Seas and on Sustainable Fisheries. In this context, the EU called for urgent, resolute and ambitious international action by all States in line with agreed commitments to counter the impacts of climate change on the oceans such as ocean acidification, ocean-warming, reduced fisheries catch potential and rising sea levels.

Latest Euronews Ocean episode shows the climate-related challenges that Small Island Developing States are facing

In this episode, Euronews is visiting Seychelles to see some of the climate-related challenges that Small Island Developing States are facing — from coral die-off to coastal erosion, flooding, farming damage and freshwater loss due to salt water intrusion. Euronews talks to Seychelles climate adaptation officer Jean-Claude Labrosse, the EU Ambassador Vincent Degert, NGO activists and common citizens about the main threats associated with climate change and actions to mitigate their consequences, including the EU-financed climate change adaptation programme.

Improving fishers’ livelihoods in Mauritius

Our story of the month comes from Mauritius. Financed under the sustainable fisheries partnership agreement (SFPA) between the European Union and the Republic of Mauritius, the project offers technical assistance for local fishers cooperatives for purchasing canoes and semi-industrial boats.

The EU Fish Market 2019 edition is out: everything you wanted to know about the EU market for fish and seafood

If you want to know what fishery products are exported or imported, when and where, what is consumed and by whom, what are the main trends of the European fisheries and aquaculture sector, then have a look at the newly released EU Fish market annual report. The 2019 edition provides analyses of landings, import and export origins and destinations, along with an overview of how EU Member States’ fisheries and aquaculture sectors fit into the global picture.

Good news for tuna and blue sharks

The International Commission for the conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) met for its 26th Regular Meeting of the Commission, in Palma de Mallorca, Spain between the 18th and 25th November 2019. The parties to ICCAT adopted 17 Recommendations and Resolutions this year: two in relation with the new ICCAT Convention; six in relation with control, monitoring and surveillance activities; one in relation with marine pollution; as well as eight in relation to the conservation and management measures of marine species.

EU showcases citizen-led projects for local development

For 25 years now, the EU has been empowering citizens and local communities throughout Europe to engage in regional development. A conference will take place in Brussels on 3-4 December2019 to exchange best practices and highlight current successes of “community-led local development (CLLD)” and look to the future. With the support of CLLD, local communities around Europe are taking the initiative to shape the changes they want to see.

Euronews OCEAN’s deep dive on marine litter and #EUBeachCleanUp

Every year, some 8 million tons of plastic enter the sea. As it slowly degrades, plastic marine litter turns into microplastics, becomes ingested by animals and in turn enters the human food chain. The EU is determined to solve this issue once and for all. But public policy and legislation alone cannot solve this problem: a clean ocean is the responsibility of all.

The North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission adopts conservation and enforcements measures for 2020

The North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) gathered for its annual meeting in London from 12 to 14 November 2019. During the meeting, the European Union and the other contracting parties agreed on a number of conservation and management measures for 2020, covering several fish stocks, such as, blue whiting, Atlanto-Scandian herring, mackerel, porbeagle, basking shark, deep-sea sharks, chimaeras, rays and Rockall haddock.