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Arctic policy: EU launches consultation on the future approach

The European Commission and the European External Action Service have jointly launched a public consultation on the way forward for the European Union’s Arctic policy.

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date:  20/07/2020

The consultation will enable a broad reflection on the EU’s Arctic policy in the face of new challenges and opportunities, including the EU’s ambitions under the European Green Deal. The consultation seeks input on the strengths and shortfalls of the existing policy, with a view to possibly preparing an updated approach.

The consultation will help to re-examine the role of the EU in Arctic affairs, revise the three priorities of the current Joint Communication on An integrated European Union policy for the Arctic, and identify possible new policy areas to be developed.

Fighting climate change and its impacts and protecting the environment are key objectives for the region. Promoting sustainable development in the Arctic to the benefit of those who live there, including indigenous peoples, is another priority for the EU. Therefore, it is essential that we continue improving our knowledge of the changes happening in the Arctic region and identifying sustainable responses. Science, innovation and strong support for multilateral cooperation underpin the EU’s approach to the Arctic.

Have your say until 10 November 2020

Press release: Arctic policy: EU opens consultation on the future approach