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Member States discuss proposals on data collection and technical measures

Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella is at the Council of the European Union in Luxembourg today, presenting the Commission's proposed Regulation on technical measures to EU fisheries ministers. A proposed Regulation on data collection in the fisheries sector is also on the agenda.

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Fishing rules Fisheries

date:  11/04/2016

Technical measures for conservation are crucial to protect small and juvenile fish, to minimise negative impacts of fishing on the ecosystem, and to deliver healthy stocks and a healthy industry. The Commission's proposed review streamlines and simplifies existing rules, in line with the European Commission's Better Regulation agenda. It also gives Member States and stakeholders a bigger say in the daily management of fisheries. They will have more possibilities to develop and introduce the rules and provisions that make sense in their local or regional context. This emphasis on regionalisation is a key part of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy.

Ministers will also hear from the Dutch Council Presidency about the state of play of the Commission's proposed Regulation on data collection in the fisheries sector. Sound data are indispensable to sound fisheries management. With this proposal, the Commission aims to further enhance the reliability and quality of data as well as extend the scope of fisheries data collection. The proposal, if adopted, will replace the current data collection Multiannual Programme, which expires at the end of this year.